And here's one of Jeff and I together!
And a picture of my Dad and I - thanks for dinner Daddy!
One last thing - see all that food on the table? If you DO go to the Continental, do NOT get an appetizer. Just don't. The staff there will bring food to you ALL NIGHT LONG. Normally they *ask* if you want one of the options (popovers, donut holes with raspberry sauce, spinach pie, or chicken wings) but this time that waitress brought everything to us and just plunked it down in front of us regardless. Jeff tried to ask what the donut hole thing was and she said "Donut holes, they're good" and gave him a plate. All night she just dropped additional food in front of us, there was no going hungry with her around! We also split a half bottle of champagne (well, I drank most of it) and a chocolate sundae because it was my birthday dammit and I wanted it!
Hope everyone had as wonderful a weekend as I did! Oh, and I gained a pound. Sigh....
Loath as I am to intrude on happy memories, Miss Austen (to whom I must acknowledge great indebtedness for my very existence) has asked me to remind you of what she is certain you already know perfectly well, and have only neglected through great haste and excitement.
To wit: prepositions take the objective case.
And Miss Austen has requested that I pass on this simple, but almost foolproof, technique. You would never say, “For my birthday my father took I to the Continental Restaurant.” Why, then, say, “For my birthday my father took Jeff and I…”?
When we were discussing the matter (Miss Austen is a great reader of blogs), I opined that you were guilty of over refinement: “Jeff and I” in the abstract sounds more “correct” than “Jeff and me.” But Miss Austen quite properly rebuked me. Never, she said, would you have been guilty of such a grievous fault. Rather, your high spirits running ahead of your sensibility, you used such words as came to hand without further reflection.
But while Miss Austen is forgiving, she is not without standards. And she assures me that if she sees similar transgressions in the future, you may expect a visit from Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
I remain, your obedient servant, &tc
LOVE the Continental! But I don't like the corn fritters. I pass those up. By the time dinner comes, though, I'm always full.
Oh and they make GREAT Manhattans. ;-)
You ONLY gained a pound after that? I would have gained a pound just by sniffing the air around that table! Glad you had a good birthday.
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