Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bowing to Peer Pressure
So if you're on Facebook, feel free to add me!
Being Bored
"It's Me or the Dog" on Animal Planet
"Ghost Hunters" via Tivo
"Cold Case Files" where I'm learning about a guy who killed a woman and kept her in his fridge for 11 years. Creepy. I have also determined that every single job out there is from a temp agency/recuriting agency and they are crap. Crap, non existent jobs that are solely listed to taunt me. Specifically me. I truly believe that every morning they are all thinking the same thing "Katharine needs a job, let's stuff the internet full of jobs that she is overqualified for and not call her if she inquires about them". Yes sir, that's EXACTLY what's happening!
Bah I say. BAH! And why is there no ice cream in this house when I so clearly deserve ice cream???? Double Bah!
Update: Jeff is stopping at the store and getting something sweet for me on his way home! Yippeee!!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Job as a Massage Therapist
1. Most women will say something like "Oh I didn't shave my legs beforehand, I'm so embarrassed". Now, trust me ladies when I say that as a therapist I do not care. You have NO idea just how hairy some of the men are who come in for a massage and your leg hair stubble just does not compare. So no worries there.
2. Some will ask if I have a "body preference", meaning does it matter if the client is really heavy or really thin. Honestly? No. No preference. If someone is REALLY, REALLY thin I find it difficult to give them a deep tissue massage because I feel like I might break them. And if someone is very heavy its hard to massage them properly as well. But for the most part, no preference. If you can get on my table, I can give you a massage.
3. Is my husband okay with me performing massage, asked primarily by male clients. Yes, yes he is. I think this question is more like a "is my husband okay with me touching naked men" question. And yes, he is. Mainly because, it's a massage. Not a date. For the most part, each guy is just another guy and then another guy and I really have no interest in anything beyond that point.
4. Underwear, on or off? I prefer you to take all your underwear off. But that's me and I can work around it if you keep it on. Though I do prefer that women take their bra off, it's easier to massage your back without that in the way.
5. Do I get under the sheet? Yes, please for the love of everything get UNDER the sheet. I so do not want to see your bits and pieces all on display.
6. What are the terms?
Swedish Massage - generic massage, usually a light massage but it can be used to describe just about any therapeutic massage session.
Deep Tissue Massage - just what it sounds like. Now a LOT of people say they want a deep tissue massage and they don't. A true deep tissue massage will leave you sore, and you will be limping and bruised the next day. It will hurt like hell.
Hot Stone Massage - a massage session done withe heated, flat stones. Usually the stones are warmed in a crock pot like container and they are placed on different points of the body and also in the therapists hand. This is a relaxation massage, it warms and soothes tired muscles, it is NOT good for deep tissue or injury work.
Sports Massage - good for specific injury work and includes a lot of stretches and specific focus on a particular muscles.
7. So what do I want? Most people want a massage that incorporates stretches, deep tissue work, and light Swedish massage all in one nice little session.
What have we learned? Talk to your therapist, tell them SPECIFICALLY what you want and what areas of the body you want worked on. Your therapist should listen to you and do what you want (within reason people!!!), and also make sure to tell your therapist if what they are doing hurts. Remember they have no idea what your pain tolerance is so you need to speak up. Long and short, you will not hurt my feelings if I'm doing something you hate. I will change my technique to what will best suit you to the best of my ability.
Any questions?
Update: Roxanne brings up a good point - its sometimes nice to "switch things up" a bit and try a a different therapist. I have no problem with my regular clients doing this and will generally spend a few minutes before their next massage with me asking what the other therapist did, what they liked, and what they didn't. That way I can maybe bring in some new things that we might not have previously tried. It doesn't hurt my feelings, and I promise you I don't hold it against you as clients if this happens! ;-)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Seriously messed up Gmail advertising
Spam Imperial Tortilla Sandwiches - To serve, cut each roll in half
Curious? Here's the recipe
Recipe By :
Serving Size : 6 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 cn SPAM Luncheon Meat (12 oz)
1 pk Cream cheese, softened (8oz)
1/3 c Chopped green onion
2 tb Chopped fresh dill
3 Flour tortillas (8")
1 md Cucumber, peeled and thinly
1/4 c Sunflower seeds
1/2 c Alfalfa sprouts
In bowl, combine SPAM and cream cheese. Stir in green onion and dill.
Spread 1/3 of SPAM mixture evenly over each tortilla. Top with 1/3
each cucumber, sunflower seeds, and alfalfa sprouts. Roll up tortilla
jelly roll fashion and wrap in plastic wrap. Repeat with remaining
tortillas. Refrigerate 2 hours. to serve, cut each roll in half.
Now I'm certainly no chef, but this just doesn't sound appetizing AT ALL. Spam in tortilla form??? No thank you Gmail, I'd rather sit down to a dinner of saltines and peanut butter than bite into that.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Book Ideas
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tom Tom
First: If you are say, speeding down a highway at 75 MPH waiting for an exit (remember, Tom Tom doesn't TELL you what exit you need, it will just tell you to turn) and the Tom Tom doesn't take into account that you're say on a HIGHWAY and tells you to turn MUCH TOO LATE. I'll hear "Turn right" and I'll blink and the exit is gone. Grrrr.. that's so annoying.
Second: Tom Tom is a bit like an unreliable boyfriend in that it will get you MOST OF THE WAY to your destination, but will leave you stranded outside a strange area while repeating the helpful phrase "You have reached your destination". Over and over again. I'll find myself arguing with the Tom Tom, "No I haven't, I have no idea where I am, don't you crap out on me now"!!!!
But otherwise I adore the Tom Tom and since I started using it I have only called Jeff crying once. And that's because I hit "New Hampshire" by mistake when plugging in directions. But we won't talk about it because I like to pretend it never happened!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Movie Night with Jeff and my Father
Fall Bedding

Kind of makes our bedroom look like a log cabin, doesn't it? Does anyone else change their bedding for the seasons? Because when the really cold weather gets here I'll be changing it again to flannel sheets and down blankets! What can I say, I get bored easily!
Oh, and because Monty is feeling neglected, here's a picture of him enjoying our new bedding as well! In case you're wondering, yes I DO make sure he's covered with blankets at night in case he gets cold!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Make Up

3rd. I love Benefit for its packaging and cute names, and I'm a huge fan of "High Beam" which looks a little like nail polish and is applied in a similar way. I dot it around my eyes and brow bone and it makes me look like I had a good nights sleep.
4th. Some sort of eye shadow. Once again, I'm a huge whore for eye shadow and I will try anything and everything under the sun. I have darker eye shadow colors for night, I have lighter and cream based eye shadows for day. Love eye shadow!
5. Mascara. I love mascara, love it, love it, love it. I would totally have an affair with mascara if I could. And being a pale redhead there is only one mascara I wear. "Just for Redheads" mascara in Spice. It's absolutely the only mascara out there that works for me, brown mascaras are too dark for me, and black, forget it. Total raccoon eyes with the black.
6. Finally lipstick. I either wear lipstick or gloss or SOMETHING on my lips. It just "finishes" your face if you get my meaning. Lipsticks are also hard for me, and I usually wear "Just for Redheads" lipstick, but my friend Jen got me some Lancome lip glosses called "Juicy Tubes Smoothie" and they are just lovely. I've been having fun playing with the different shades and they all have a pretty shimmer to them which is also very nice.
So that's my "Natural" look, and I am so excited to be embracing this look again! When I came downstairs after doing my make-up this morning I think Jeff was surprised by how very pretty I was! ;-)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Least Favorite Interview Question
"Where do you see yourself in five year"?
Hate it, hate it, because I never know what to say and feel like I am always spouting some bullshit answer like "I want to be with the same company, growing and expanding on my knowledge and responsibility within that organization." Or something along those lines. What I *really* want to say is any of the following:
"A lottery winner who sits at home eating Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream all day long"
"Dear God I plan on being anywhere but at this crappy administrative job".
"I plan on staying here until another company offers me more money and then I'm leaving faster than you can say 'resignation letter'".
"Decorating my summer home in Hawaii with Juan the pool boy".
I just feel like its such a lousy question, and considering all the job hopping that a lot of my generation does, not a good example of a persons' potential within the company they are interviewing at. But then, I'm a little burned out with job hunting already so it could just be me having a cranky day!
Holy Crap
Remind me to have a nice long conversation about the possibility of this actually happening. I know the shark was actually stuck and not trying to get at the divers, apparently he was just trying to get OUT of the cage, but still. I would be dead of a heart attack at the bottom of that cage. Note to self: compile nice long list of safety questions before booking shark diving trip!
Lack of anything interesting going on in my life
- Spicy Tuna Sushi
- Chicken tenders with french fries (Which sounds very McDonalds, but at Houston's it's VERY expensive and gourmet style chicken tenders and french fries! Yummy!)
- Banana Cream Pie
Monday, September 15, 2008
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Cute, right? And when you make them happy they do a little happy dance for you! And BONUS, I got to name one "Sebastian" which is my most favorite name ever and Jeff hates. He hates the name "Sebastian" so much and I just love it, it just screams "English Gentry" to me and I love it. So since Jeff hates it and has striked it off our "Who knows if we'll ever have kids list", than I can at least name my virtual crab "Sebastian", and I did.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Visit to the Square One Mall
We left the mall with the following:
Mom with Calamine lotion and a birthday card for my Uncle.
Me with Mederma for the multitude of scars that I currently have.
Jeff with "Harvey Birdman" that he got them to mark down to $12.50 when it was marked at $29.99. He just showed them that the Best Buy online site had it listed at the cheaper price and they gave it to him. Score!
Oh, and my Mom paid for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Not a bad night all around!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Newest Twist of Fate
Sigh.. don't mind me while I watch this video about 5,000 times in a row!
Is it Me Moment
MT: There are vampires out there you know
ME: What?
MT: Vampires. A friend of a friend of mine dated a guy who was a vampire
ME: Do you mean he filed his teeth and bit your friend and *thought* or *called* himself a vampire, or was he able to turn into a bat and had to avoid sunlight because he would EXPLODE?
MT: *in a huffy voice* She doesn't like to talk about it. But he was a vampire
ME: Okay
Now, is it me people? I mean, I consider myself open minded and God only knows there are some wacky people out there. I myself have an active imagination and all of that, but VAMPIRES? Really and truly, honest to goodness VAMPIRES? Live forever, no soul, must have blood and die in the sunlight Vampires? I just don't see it. Call me a skeptic, but I also don't believe in the following:
The Loch Ness Monster
The Batboy as promoted by the Weekly World News
That if I meditate and work on my higher energy and TRAIN that I will become a "breathatarian" (http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/846077.aspx)
But I totally believe that one day I am going to write and publish a romance novel. So maybe I am crazy after all! ;-)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Colon Cleansing a Scam ? - www.ColonCleansingDiaries.com -
I mean, it's just so random. Is there something I need to know??

Monday, September 8, 2008
2 Year Anniversary
Although I think the Bride here looks better than I currently do!
Regardless, I managed to get home and do a little something special for Jeff in honor of our anniversary. Because this past Sunday we actually had a FIGHT that consisted of "what do you want for dinner", "I don't care, what do you want for dinner", hit repeat as this went on and on and on. Good times. So I made dinner tonight. I don't think I need to remind you all that cooking is not my strong point. So I followed Mary's suggestion and used our crock pot. Chicken Cordon Blue in the crock pot, consisted of these ingredients:
- Chicken Breast
- Cream of Chicken Soup
- Sliced Ham
- Sliced Swiss Cheese
- Herb Stuffing
- Milk
- Butter
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008
Would I be completely insane

It's a site called "No Nude Hounds" and you can get Unitard Pajamas custom made for your greyhound. For the bargain price of $40. You can also pick what kind of fabric you want, and I was thinking this:

That's right, green with pink polka dots - it's not like Monty will KNOW I have him dressed in pink.
OR how about this:
It's a fleece material with little monkeys on it! Too cute, right?
See, in the winter our house gets cold. And I always worry that Monty isn't warm enough since he's got NO body fat to help keep him warm. He has a fleece jacket that I put on him, but then Jeff says that's TOO warm and he can't really take it off. So we have this "is he too cold, let's put his fleece on him" to "he's too warm, let's take the fleece off" conversation pretty much all winter long. Both of us think we know what Monty wants, and it's usually the opposite of what the other thinks. So if I got him a nice KNIT unitard, it would keep him warm, but not TOO warm. Plus the thought of having Monty all dressed up in a UNITARD makes me giggle. It might be worth it just for the giggle factor alone.
So I have crossed that invisible line yet???
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Birthday Dinner at the Continental

And here's one of Jeff and I together!
And a picture of my Dad and I - thanks for dinner Daddy!
One last thing - see all that food on the table? If you DO go to the Continental, do NOT get an appetizer. Just don't. The staff there will bring food to you ALL NIGHT LONG. Normally they *ask* if you want one of the options (popovers, donut holes with raspberry sauce, spinach pie, or chicken wings) but this time that waitress brought everything to us and just plunked it down in front of us regardless. Jeff tried to ask what the donut hole thing was and she said "Donut holes, they're good" and gave him a plate. All night she just dropped additional food in front of us, there was no going hungry with her around! We also split a half bottle of champagne (well, I drank most of it) and a chocolate sundae because it was my birthday dammit and I wanted it!
Hope everyone had as wonderful a weekend as I did! Oh, and I gained a pound. Sigh....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First up, PAJAMAS! He actually got me the same brand of pajamas I had gotten myself a few weeks earlier so I have TWO PAIRS of nice, non-ratty looking, and very flattering yet still comfortable pajamas! YEAH! The brand is "Alfani" and I wish I could find some pictures but Macy's won't let me save pictures from their site, so here's the link:
Next up, he got me "Enchanted" on DVD, one of those cute little Disney movies that I tend to watch when he's out of the house and I have a pint of ice cream. And of COURSE I watch it the way I want to watch it - meaning I fast forward through the parts I don't like to get to the parts I do like!

He also got me the newest Slipknot CD "All Hope is Gone" and I've got it in my car to listen to full blast with the windows rolled down! "Pyschosocial" is my favorite song so far!
And since I am completely addicted to my Sims, he also got me the Sims Ikea update which allows me to furnish my Sims housing with Ikea furniture and the like. Not to mention I just went to the REAL Ikea this past weekend with my friend Joy and was completely overwhelmed by the people and stuff, I think the Sims pack is more my speed!
Last, but not least, he got me bubble tape. I love, love, love Bubble Tape!
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend - we actually had some gorgeous weather as well! Just for my birthday of course! ;-)