Well - "Cat's Eye" of course! The 1985 Stephen King adaption of a movie about a cat who belongs to a little girl and is trying to save her from a troll like creature that hides in the walls. The little troll is trying to kill the girl by sucking out her breath at night, and the cat is trying to stop him. The troll carries this wicked looking sword and it eventually kills the pet canary - something that the mother in the story blames on the cat - and it's just basically a cat and mouse game of this nasty little troll being chased by the awesome tabby cat.

How does this pertain to our basement? Well because there is a HOLE in the floor connecting the basement to our living area, the basement door MUST BE LOCKED when we're not using it. MUST BE. If it is not locked I tend to freak out and fret and obsess that SOMETHING might come through that hole and into our house. And that something will not be a good something - like a cute little baby rabbit or a puppy. No, that something will be a troll like creature and I will so not be a happy camper. I was trying to explain this phobia to Jeff - his rationalization is that NOTHING will get through that hole, and if something does, it won't be anything to be afraid of. My feeling is he's never seen "Cat's Eye" and what if there ARE evil little trolls wandering around? Lily's getting kind of old now, I can't count on her to play defense, especially since she's locked in her own room. So Jeff thinks I'm insane, and the only person who really understands is my sister who when I explained my fear immediately said "Oh, like Cat's Eye". YES! Exactly! Thank you Karen!
Anyone else have a completely irrational fear or phobia based on a completely made up creature? I can't be the only one, right?
Would it be unkind of my to point out that if there were a hole in your floor, it would no longer be whole? Or is it the other way around?
I wouldn't mention it, except that you decided to chastise the Las Vegas website for a simple transposition of letters - a very easy typing mistake.
I hate homophones. (Does anyone remember Wiltshire Pig?)
I am so ashamed - as an english major I constantly mock people for similar errors. Where do I turn in my Bachelor's degree???
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