Friday, August 8, 2008


Jeff came home from a LONG day at work very tired and slightly grump. I mentioned that perhaps he could later massage my feet, his response was as follows:

"F*ck NO! I'm going to play Grand Theft Auto and watch Tivo, that's it tonight. Eff your feet"!

Hysterical! I almost wet my pants laughing, if you could have just seen his face as I tried to shove my piggies into his lap. He was SO not having it. Poor man - it's just not his night! Guess I'll get my foot massage another night!

1 comment:

Crankipantz said...

Yup...another night. After an almost 12 hour day at work and another 3 hours of checkbooks and bills; I needed a break. It's 1:06am and I'm finally relaxing on the sofa...I should be in bed sleeping. Ahhhhh.