Thursday, April 29, 2010


I was running around during lunch today, getting gas, seeing about picking up some cards, little things like that when I happened to glance into the backseat. There's a car seat back there. A car seat, some soft covered books, a mirror with jungle animals so I can see Nathan, and it hit me.

I'm a MOMMY!

I know that seems silly since my life is pretty much completely consumed by the fact that I have Nathan. But there are still times when I think.. Holy CRAP! I'm a MOTHER. I have a little baby boy who is dependent on me for EVERYTHING. I don't know if its because I never really THOUGHT about being a mother previously - but there are days when I just cannot believe it. I see mothers and their children all day long doing things like holding hands and pushing strollers and I see it abstractly. It's a fact of life. Only now that woman with the diaper bag and baby on a hip is ME! It's very weird to see myself like that, and not really weird in a bad way, just weird. Like I went to sleep one way, and woke up a completely different way. I'm still ME.. but yet there's this whole other side of me. Some days its like I'm playing role, a role I desperately want to do well, but it's a role. I stare at Nathan at times and think, he's MINE! He's MY baby. This little person, this little being is MY BABY. And it blows my mind so completely I can't explain it.

I wish I had some deep thoughts about this, but it kind of amuses me that 10 months later I am still in AWE of the fact that I have this child. I clearly remember my life previous to his arrival, but yet I cannot even fathom a world where he is not in it. This whole motherhood thing is a strange, strange journey!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Just the other day we were out for a drive. I looked back at our four kids, then looked at Travis and said...Can you believe that we made these adorable little humans??? That they belong to us???...It really is an amazing feeling to be a parent.