I need a haircut. I don't know why I'm even bothering to look at pictures of styles since I never really GET that style when I go in to the hairdresser. I haven't had my OWN hairdresser since I went to a woman named Bianca who was FABULOUS and left suddenly with no trail. That was three years ago. Three years. I've tried a few other places, but I am so, so, so tired of just pulling my hair into an elastic. It's all I do now. I'd like some shape. I'd like some style. I'd like to look less mom-like and maybe a little bit like I CARE! I DO care. I really do. I just have NEVER been good with my hair. Well, not since the 80's when I sprayed my hair within an inch of its life. But at least I had a STYLE. I'm not saying it was a GOOD style.. but it was a style and I was fanatical in my devotion to the hairspray gods. For example, I hated aerosol hairspray. I wanted the spray pump hairspray because THAT hairspray made my hair all stiff and crinkly. It had STAYING POWER! I was particularly partial to the White Rain brand of hairspray. A spray that I believe is long gone nowadays.
Where was I? Oh yes, the eternal hunt for a style. Now that I've started taking care of my make-up and my skin - it's time for the hair. Now, as a stay at home mommy I pretty much live in tee shirts and yoga pants, and I'm fine with that. But I'd like to look KIND OF pulled together and I think having some sort of hairstyle would help. I know it can be done. I see moms all the time who have NICE HAIR. Hair that has been blown dry and combed out and looks GOOD. I want that.
So here are two ideas, any suggestions? And if you have any suggestions about a good hairdresser - I'd like that as well!

Was I your inspiration? LOL My haircut is easier, because even messy it looks like I "did" it. Although, make sure it's still long enough to pull back!
For what it's worth, I have ALWAYS loved your hair!! It's shiny thick and the color is beautiful!
I found a great hairdresser a few months ago. She just opened her own shop in Salem. I know it's a bit of a hike, but I think the two of you have similar hair, so I think she'd do a great job.
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