Marriage has many definitions, and here are a few I came up with on that ever-reliable site called Google.
the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"
two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"
Personally I think marriage is the ability to laugh hysterically with your husband after having an epic fail of a day with your 15 month old at the pumpkin farm. After only an hour of a wanna-be toddler who was a shining example of why birth control was ever invented we were driving home and fantasizing about how being left in the worst areas in the world were preferable to going BACK to said pumpkin farm as long as we were, alone. Blissfully alone. Wonderfully alone. Ahhh.. to be alone. Peace. Sweet peace.
Top spots to be left alone:
Wal Mart parking lot
Wal Mart parking lot, in the car, with the windows rolled up, in the summer
McDonald's playland
The scary, closed down gas station
The Middle of Nowhere
Jeff and I were having a grand old time as Nathan munched happily on his cheerios in the backseat. Which can I tell you how annoying it is that as soon as he got in his car seat and strapped in and was given his snack cup of cheerios he was perfectly happy? And don't tell me we should have given him cheerios earlier - because we tried. We tried bribing him with cheerios, with ice cream, with a hayride, with visits to see the animals in the petting zoo and he STILL acted like some sort of demon spawn.
I had been under a delusion all day that we would frolic around the pumpkin patch taking adorable pictures of our son. You know, like in every Kodak commerical I have ever seen on television? I had even dressed Nathan in an EXTREMELY cute outfit just because I wanted the BEST PICTURES POSSIBLE! I thought we would ride the hayride and giggle and laugh like the wonderful family I know we are. It was not to be. So to me, marriage is having moments like these and still being able to go home and further humiliate yourself by putting on a bathing suit and get into a bubble bath while you try and give your treasured child a bath. Because oh yes, I did that to. Where's my award?
Your award is picture #1...an apparently awesome picture of your son picking out a pumpkin for the first time. A picture he will always look at and "remember" how much fun he had his first time ever picking his own pumpkin. Because we never really remember the things we did at 15 months...only the things they show us in pictures.
I'm SOOO disappointed. I read Jeff's comment that your reward was a picture - and immediately started looking for the picture of you in the tub in your bathing suit, splashing and playing and showing Nathan how much fun it is to be in the bathtub.
And what do a see? A pumpkin. It ain't even close.
BTW, I'd be careful about these implanted memories you're about to give him. If you can successfully distort his past for him, others can as well. Just imagine him growing up with the unshakable conviction that his mother tried to teach him Algebra II when he was 5. Yes, I would do that - and laugh while doing it.
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