Friday, October 29, 2010
I have not seen the first movie after hearing "you won't sleep" anytime a friend told me about the storyline. After seeing this preview for the second one, I don't think I'll be breaking down any doors to watch it anytime in the near future. Meaning, never in this lifetime. Now when Nathan screams in the middle of the night I'm not thinking "Oh he dropped his pacifier" or "Oh, his diaper leaked and he has wet jammies", instead I am thinking "Holy crap a demon is trying to possess my child - must run to him NOW". It's not like I don't have an active enough imagination as it is.. now I have to worry about demons?? My only real consolation, and I'm a little embarassed to admit this - I can convince my crazy inner self that demons aren't going to harm my child because if they were.... are you ready? Jay and Grant from "Ghost Hunters" would have already found proof of it somewhere. And since I record each episode of "Ghost Hunters", I know that they have never found proof of a possesion. THAT helps me sleep eventually. Jay and Grant from "Ghost Hunters". Oh, and my Daddy!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Disappointment with cooking
Almost Heaven Cake
Ingredients:1 box yellow cake mix20 ounces can crushed pineapple2 cups cold milk1 (4oz.) box instant vanilla pudding mix8 ounces cream cheese, softened12 ounces Cool Whip
Prepare and bake cake mix according to package directions for 9 x 13 dish. When done, pierce cake with fork. Pour pineapple with juice over cake. Combine milk and pudding mix in bowl. After beating well, blend in cream cheese. Spread over pineapple. Top with Cool Whip. Can garnish with chopped pecans or coconut.
Sounds yummy, right? Well I started the cake late... and as I put the ingredients together for the final steps I missed the key ingredient. Instant vanilla pudding. Instant. I used regular vanilla pudding mix and I think that was an important distinction. Too much pineapple juice, too much milk, nothing solidified. It was one big yellow cake and pineapple mess. Our guests gamely tried a small bite, but trust me. The cake was bad. It looked like it had already been eaten. YUCK! I wound up throwing it out and I was very annoyed with myself. I had picked this particular recipe solely because I had the majority of the ingredients on hand. I was sooo proud of myself for being budget conscious AND creative! Sigh. It was not to be. Better luck next time I suppose!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Things that make me happy
I am also a sucker for decorative pillows. I would love, love, love to get a new sofa. Our current sofa is supposed to be one piece, but we broke it up into two to get it to fit the new room better. It's not a BAD sofa. Just not particular comfortable. And the two smaller pieces make it near impossible for Jeff and I to sit next to each other. But check out my Halloween pillows? How cool are they? These new pillows make my sofa look "kind of" new, and I love them.
Poor Monty is not having a good year. But during nap time I tend to pick up the clutter of toys that Nathan and I have scattered throughout the living room, and I let Monty have free reign of the house. He enjoys the attention and freedom, and how cute is he napping in the sun?
AND.. I have started cooking. I made some lovely banana/oat/chocolate chip cookies. No added sugar - and they were yummy if a bit odd looking.
But just the fact that I found a recipe and got the ingredients and MADE them and they were edible made me deliriously happy!
So there you have it - small things that make me happy!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New for a new style

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pictures can lie

Marriage has many definitions, and here are a few I came up with on that ever-reliable site called Google.
the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"
two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"
Personally I think marriage is the ability to laugh hysterically with your husband after having an epic fail of a day with your 15 month old at the pumpkin farm. After only an hour of a wanna-be toddler who was a shining example of why birth control was ever invented we were driving home and fantasizing about how being left in the worst areas in the world were preferable to going BACK to said pumpkin farm as long as we were, alone. Blissfully alone. Wonderfully alone. Ahhh.. to be alone. Peace. Sweet peace.
Top spots to be left alone:
Wal Mart parking lot
Wal Mart parking lot, in the car, with the windows rolled up, in the summer
McDonald's playland
The scary, closed down gas station
The Middle of Nowhere
Jeff and I were having a grand old time as Nathan munched happily on his cheerios in the backseat. Which can I tell you how annoying it is that as soon as he got in his car seat and strapped in and was given his snack cup of cheerios he was perfectly happy? And don't tell me we should have given him cheerios earlier - because we tried. We tried bribing him with cheerios, with ice cream, with a hayride, with visits to see the animals in the petting zoo and he STILL acted like some sort of demon spawn.
I had been under a delusion all day that we would frolic around the pumpkin patch taking adorable pictures of our son. You know, like in every Kodak commerical I have ever seen on television? I had even dressed Nathan in an EXTREMELY cute outfit just because I wanted the BEST PICTURES POSSIBLE! I thought we would ride the hayride and giggle and laugh like the wonderful family I know we are. It was not to be. So to me, marriage is having moments like these and still being able to go home and further humiliate yourself by putting on a bathing suit and get into a bubble bath while you try and give your treasured child a bath. Because oh yes, I did that to. Where's my award?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Oops! Sorry for the lack of posts!
To make up for my laziness.. here's a bunch of little posts!
1. I have been cooking!!! Take a quick look outside, pigs are NOT flying! I actually looked at a recipe, got the ingredients, PLANNED AHEAD, and MADE THE MEAL!
I made two very similar recipes. Salsa chicken and salsa chicken casserole. Salsa chicken is super easy, and the casserole was a little more time consuming. Both were good, though Jeff and I both agreed that the salsa chicken was the tastier of the two meals.
2. I'm getting into the groove of being home. I have space in our new house, it's an open floor plan and I love that I can actually do something like, laundry, and not have to go out the front door, down to the back of the house, open the basement door and into the basement to do laundry. Now I just go downstairs into my father's part of our house and plunk in some laundry. Not having to carry laundry outside in the rain or snow or wind is BLISS!!!
3. Monty hates us and is most likely plotting to have us all taken out. Because Nathan LOVES Monty and one of his favorite words now is "puppy", he will chase Monty if given the opportunity. In an effort to prevent something BAD happening, I have to gate Monty down by our bedrooms during the day. Now, Monty has his own dog bed, toys, food and water. But he HATES this and will whine constantly throughout the day at the unfairness of his life. I figure this is the best solution though until Nathan is big enough to understand that Monty is NOT just a big stuffed animal walking around for his amusement and needs to treat him GENTLY.
4. Spencer's Gifts. Jeff and I were walking the mall with Nathan, kind of browsing and we went into Spencer's Gifts on a whim. I am firmly of the mind that nobody actually BUYS anything in there. It's all just some elaborate ploy to make me shudder and think old lady thoughts like "The youth today are AWFUL" or "Turn down that music" or "Why aren't you in school"? There were actually maternity shirts that said - "I'm not fat. I'm knocked up". Classy. Real classy. I cannot BELIEVE I didn't know about these shirts when I was pregnant. At one point in the store Jeff and I saw an "Carmen Electra Stripper Pole" for sale. A STRIPPER POLE! In a store that was primarily for teenagers. Now, it was bad enough that this store sold MATERNITY SHIRTS when what they really needed to sell was a Depo shot that automatically just stabbed girls as they walked in, but a stripper pole? Jeff and I looked at each other, started to say something snarky about it, and then noticed that a 16 year old girl was having an in-depth discussion on how to install the pole in her room and RIGHT NEXT TO THIS GIRL WAS HER MOTHER AND INFANT DAUGHTER IN A CARRIAGE. So many things wrong there, so many things. I'm no prude but at 16 I would rather have stabbed my eyes out with a pencil then talked to my mother about sex - never mind STRIPPER POLES IN MY BEDROOM! Or coming home and annoucing I was pregnant. Nope, that would NOT have gone over well in my house. NOT AT ALL! Nathan and I had a long talk about how a girl with a stripper pole in her room is NOT a girl he should be dating. Or talking to. Or looking at.
And in case you want to take a look at the pole, here's the link. You're welcome.

And here's the shirt from Spencer's, just so you can get the full effect of the awfulness.