Tuesday, June 29, 2010
American Express Card
Thank you SO much for sending me a new card in the mail. I am guessing this is your subtle way of telling me that I should GO SHOPPING!
And American Express, you have NO IDEA how much I would dearly love to obey your hint. There are SOOOOOO many things that I want to buy that I've been looking at for quite awhile. There's a new stroller for Nathan, clothing, shoes, maybe a few pieces of jewelry, books, and even some home improvement things like a new front door and new screen door. Really, my list of wants just goes on and on and on.
Unfortunately, and it pains me to say this, I cannot give in to the incredibly temptation to just le loose on the the biggest shopping spree known to man. See, I'm trying to do this wonderful thing called "living within my means". I know, it sounds insane. Truly insane. And I realize how crazy I sound by even attempting to do such a thing. But as an adult, a parent and wife. I find that I need to think of things beyond the immediate gratification of the here and now. I've got responsibilities.
Sadly, this is the end American Express. But don't be sad, we've had a lot of good times, right? Together we've purchased outfit after outfits, we've loaded our cart with make-up and books. We even once purchased $300 black sling back shoes on a WHIM! Ahhhh... good times American Express, good times. I'm getting a little tear just thinking about it and find that saying goodbye is very difficult. But goodbye it is.
Thanks for the memories American Express!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Needs and Desires

Yes that is a Jeep stroller, and I want it. Bad. I also want the following:
That's a stroller organizer. I know, it's so exciting I don't know how I stop myself from jumping up and down. A STROLLER ORGANIZER!!! Be still my beating heart - be still.
Don't get me wrong, I still have books and things on my Amazon list, but it's starting to get filled with children's books I want for Nathan, toys for Nathan, and ORGANIZING THINGS for Nathan. I am not going to lie, for my birthday I am asking for an Old Navy gift card so I can get some goodies for myself - and also so I can get some things for Nathan. Is that so wrong??
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Means of Entertaining Myself

Except picture this doll with a lampshade sticking out of her head. Creepy, right?
Back to my roommate and I. On a few occasions we would be sooo, what's the word I'm looking for? Happy. We'd be sooo happy that we would attempt to CALL the number online and try and convince the operator to put us through to the show host. It never worked. I don't even know what we would SAY to the host, and I don't think it mattered. It was the IDEA of getting on the air, drunk, to say something silly about a creepy doll up for sale that would send us over the edge into hysterical laughter. And there you have it - more proof that I can entertain myself over absolutely nothing!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Recent Movie Viewing Experience
Anyway, I would like to say that I went to college - and I even dated a guy in a fraternity for my ENTIRE FOUR YEARS at college. And went to LOTS of fraternity parties. None of them, NONE of them, looked like what is being described above. No girls wearing lingerie. No girls wearing pajamas with NO BACKSIDE. No hot tubs where people had sex in BROAD DAYLIGHT where other people are walking around because NOBODY NOTICES THAT. It's just such an odd version of college. I did some crazy things in college - but wearing lingerie in public and having sex in a hot tub in the FRONT YARD of a house were not in that experience. I also didn't play elaborate pranks on a friends' brother where it required him thinking that his girlfriend was DEAD and thus needed to chop up her body in little pieces. I would like to add though, if I DID do these things and my boyfriend at the time, who graduated top of his class and was absolutely crazy about me and FOUND OUT I had assisted in killing my "best friend" and thus tried to take out everyone who was a threat to me in a series of gruesome ways- well he just might be a keeper!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Perusing of Craigslist
• Mature, responsible, & reliable with a strong work ethic
• Willing to work holidays & wk-ends (required)
• Have your own reliable vehicle (in the winter as well)
• comfortable working around 30-50 dogs daily
• willing to learn dog behavior & training methods
• looking to work 10-35 hours a week that are flexible
• looking for a long term job (3-10 years) that you take pride in the quality, not compromises, your work ethic reflects
• A Team player (this is a pack environment and we work together as a team)
• Don’t mind CLEANING, CLEANING, CLEANING (mop, sweep, laundry, pick up dog waste, etc…)
• A Dedicated, hard worker
• A self motivated individual that can complete projects on your own
• Able to Stand, walk, play up to 8 hours a day – able to lift 50 lbs.
• Computer skills, customer service & Management Experience a plus
• A Dog Lover
• Comfortable using a washer/dryer, vacuum, power washer, etc. AND use them correctly and take care of them & put them back when you are done.
• You like working with dogs but understand that it is a lot work and not standing around petting them.
• You like working indoors & outdoors and get a lot of satisfaction looking around and taking pride in your work.
• Don’t mind scooping poop & mopping up after a large amount of dogs
• Willing to mop, do laundry and clean every day
• Look, act and treat others as a professional
• Efficient, have a good work ethic
• If you are flexible with constant changes in priorities depending on weather, needs and other things.
• Good availability and would like a part time job that you can stay at for a long time
• Are looking for a part time job that can turn into full time for the right person
• Are willing to work part time to start, turn into full time & eventually into a management position.
• Are looking for a long term part time job.
Do NOT reply if:
• You are not self-motivated
• Adequate is good enough because it isn't here
• You are not comfortable with video surveillance and clients who work for the various law enforcement agencies •
You get nervous about complete civil and criminal background check
• You do not have job and character references that are not friends or related to you
• You do not have a resume
• You do not have an abundance of common sense
• You are not available holidays & weekends
• You are not able to look around and see what needs to be done without being told
• You can't lift light and heavy loads. This work entails light and heavy labor.
• If you don't like taking direction from a woman
• If you do not love dogs
• If you ever forget to check before opening/closing any doors
• If you cannot remember that safety comes first over anything and everything
• If you have any issues with reorganizing, unloading dog food deliveries, carrying things
• If you have any problem working quickly - efficiently while getting the job done completely and correctly.
• If a job you undertake needs to be done twice because the first time was not good enough.
• If you feel your way is the only way; conversely need to be instructed every step
If you do not include a resume & cover letter with your experience & why I should hire you.
• If you are not consistently on time
In other words, I'm looking for a long-term employee, part time with flexible hours whose character, integrity, work ethics, strength and commitment are not in question. We are looking for part time employees that want to stay part time and part time employees that want to grow into full time and management positions. If you are looking for an exciting career working with an amazing group of dogs and you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter detailing your experience and why you believe you would be a good fit with our organization. Must have reliable vehicle, good character & attitude, loyalty and no "issues." Subject to background check and random checks.
My oh my. HOLY SHIT is all I'm saying. This is for a DOGGIE DAYCARE JOB! But I'm sensing some hostility here. A LOT of hostility. I'm thinking this woman has had a LOT of bad employees. I particularly like the "no issues" requirement along with being videotaped at all times and being subject to random checks. That sounds a lot like a PRISON to me, NOT a place I would care to work. I would like to state that I can't imagine ANYONE going through the ad and thinking "Yes, that works for me" and then getting to something like "If a job you undertake needs to be done twice because the first time was not good enough." and going "well CRAP.. I DO suck at just about any job and EVERYTHING I do has to be re-done afterwards. I better not apply for this job!" I'm tempted to send in a resume and write a cover letter detailing my "issues" just for fun!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Dislike for Children's Music
Where was I? Yes - Children's music. Jeff and I are trying to find different children's songs since we're pretty tired of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "She's Coming Round the Mountain". What did we find?? Well Barenaked Ladies have a while children's CD and one of my favorite songs of theirs is this:
Hysterical! It cracks me up every time we listen to it, and now we're on the hunt for more music and CD's that have music that's kind of adult friendly as well. Please feel free to send in suggestions, and no, I am not interested in Raffi!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Twilight - yes, I still loathe it
It lists 5 reasons for not liking Twilight - and the bad writing is just one reason. My favorite reason for not liking Twilight? The author writes here:
3. We should be appalled by Edward because Edward takes away Bella's keys to her very own car saying "You're intoxicated by my very presence" whereupon she says--wait for it--"There was no way around it; I couldn't resist him in anything."
Fifty years of the women's movement and that's what we get: "I couldn't resist him in anything"?
How nuts is this? Lucy Ricardo showed more backbone! Lambchop the Puppet showed more backbone than this "Lamb" does!
How about if Bella kept her own keys--and her own integrity--and drove away from the narcissistic bastard?
I have to agree that my main problems with Twilight is how Bella becomes a doormat for her boyfriend/husband. How she has no life, no personality, no desire beyond him. He is EVERYTHING to her, and while I understand the romance idea of having your love being the number one thing in your life - it's not healthy. Especially when your chosen one is a man who is dead, sparkles in daylight and stalks you obsessively while at the same time squashing your normal sexual desires. This is DEFINITELY not a man I'd want to spend an hour with, never mind an eternity.
Rant over! ;-)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Feeling Bad
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Conversation with Nathan
Monday, June 7, 2010
Being a Stay at Home Mommy
Right now my schedule is pretty much as follows:
Wake up with Nathan - change his diaper and give him breakfast.
Put Nathan in his exersaucer and turn on Nick Jr for Blues Clues while I take the world's fastest shower.
Pop Nathan into his playroom and attempt to eat breakfast myself - eating VERY quickly before Nathan melts down because I am NOT sitting right next to him.
Play time - Games we play are "Climb all over mommy", "open and close dresser drawer and get VERY upset when mommy repeatedly tries to redirect to another activity". "try and put pacifier in mommy's mouth", "eat everything".
Nap time (please god, nap time would be lovely)
Wake Nathan up and feed him lunch
Into the stroller for a walk around neighborhood or lake or mall, or maybe a playdate. The key is to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE at some point.
Nap time
Play time in playroom where we play games like "How many pacifiers can we drop before running out", "Let's scream our heads off if mommy needs to leave for 5 second to run to the bathroom", and "hey, is that a phone/magazine/book/remote control because I want it RIGHT NOW".
Give Nathan to Jeff as soon as he walks through the door
Story or playtime
Of course the schedule is subject to changes at the last minute but i try and make sure Nathan gets all his naps in - though I also make sure the afternoon nap doesn't stretch beyond 5:00pm because otherwise he's IMPOSSIBLE to get to go down for bed.
It's definitely been an adjustment over here, but I'm loving everything so far!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Distrust of anything after midnight
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Nathan is almost 1 years old. I cannot believe it. Last Father's Day I got Jeff a picture frame where there's a tiny oval for each month, and you put a picture in it to show how your baby is growing month by month. When I presented it to Jeff (he LOVES taking pictures), we both marvelled over ALL THOSE TINY WINDOWS. I mean, it was RIDICULOUS to even think about how time would pass and we would have Nathan and that a WHOLE YEAR would fly by. But today Jeff showed me the frame and there's only one tiny window left. 12 months.
It feels like I've had Nathan with me forever. It feels like my heart is walking around outside of my body in the form of my baby. Everything he does amazes me. Even when he's being a total BEAR because he missed a nap and then didn't have a full afternoon nap and I can't so much as run to the bathroom to PEE without him pulling himself up on the gate to SCREAM his little head off, well even then I know I'm so freakin' lucky. Beyond lucky to have such an amazing child. Lucky that I'm able to be home with him, and lucky that he is seriously so insanely cute that there are STILL times when I have to force myself to hand him over to adoring grandpas and grandma and cousins and friends. Because there are STILL days when I am happiest when he puts his little hand on me and I feel the slight weight of his hand and know that there is so much responsibility in that little touch. And yet so much joy. I watch him sleep and I wonder if there will ever be a point in my life where I WON'T want to watch him sleep and I really hope that comes before he's like, 16 years old, because boy will he NOT want his mommy staring at him when he's a teenager. Talk about therapy!! And I wonder if I'm just the most boring person on earth because I can sit and talk about him and the things he does FOREVER and holy crap I feel bad for whoever I'm talking to because I UNDERSTAND that I am the most uninteresting person in the world and yet I CANNOT STOP MYSELF.
And my baby is almost a year old. It makes me want to cry because WHERE DID MY BABY GO??? The time flew by and even though carrying him around the mall leaves me with a back ache and exhausted - I STILL carry him around the mall for two reason:
1. He likes
2. I like it - and I know there will be a time where he will NOT want to be carried and it will make me cry, gotta get my time in now!
I read a book once where the author likened being a mother to being in Shakespeare's "Midsummer's Nights Dream" - where you are truly not in your right mind. I'd have to agree. Being a mother has been the most challenging thing I've ever done - and every day I am eternally thankful that I am NATHAN's mom. He is definitely my heart.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Bait and Switch
Of course I have a feeling that when Nathan can start to fight back, my cuddle time with him will be over... I can picture him now with a disgusted look on his face "Mom, please... leave me alone". Sigh...
Oh, and Jeff says that I used the old bait and switch on him with the cuddling thing.. hence the name of this post!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Newest Question
Hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend - we had a pretty nice one at Chez Weiner and went to an arcade where I kicked some serious ass on the Skeeball machine! Go ME!