Just a note here, this is Mickie James, the Diva in question:
Now, I ask you, does she look "fat" in any way, shape or form? Maybe I'm crazy but this girl looks crazy in shape. Anyway, at first I found the storyline annoying. I mean, two girls calling another girl "fat"? It was stupid. It was stupid and annoying and I thought, how much do these writers get paid to come up with such an insanely stupid storyline? Do they have NOTHING ELSE FOR THESE GIRLS TO DO?
And then tonight I watched as the two "Mean Divas" taunted the "fat one" and shoved cake in her face. Cake that was made to look like a pig. And there's where they lost me. Jeff thinks I'm over-reacting and it's a stupid storyline, but this is where I get mad.
1. It's reinforcing the idea that calling a girl, any girl, "fat" is a good way to get them upset no matter what that girl looks like. And that "fat" is a bad thing in and of itself. Doesn't matter what kind of PERSON the girl is, it matter what she LOOKS LIKE and if she happens to not be stick thin, well that is BAD. And something to be made fun of.
2. At one point the two "Mean Divas" had a long buffet table of food for "Piggy James" to eat. They made fun of the food as they talked about it, they were scornful about the food displayed because it was "bad food". Cake and potato chips and cookies. Food we ALL KNOW NONE OF THESE LADIES EAT ON ANY SORT OF REGULAR BASIS BECAUSE THEIR JOB IS TO LOOK GOOD AND BE ATHLETIC.. but the idea of showing how "bad" these items were just really got under my skin. All those items are fine in moderation, and with the amount of working out and physical activity that these ladies do, I'm sure they could all have a piece of cake every now and then and not worry about fitting into their spandex body stocking the next day.
3. They shoved cake into Mickie James face while holding her down. Now wrestling entertainment is all about the dramatic, and this was definitely dramatic. It was also degrading and mean and nasty. It was not entertainment. It was done to humiliate, and while I realize that Mickie was fully aware that this was going to happen, I found it disturbing.
So wrestling has lost me. This is the second time that I've stopped watching wrestling. The first time it was when they had a male character dressed like a "Pimp" who traveled with his "ho's" and people were invited to ride the "ho train". I found that even more degrading towards women than the Mickie James/Piggy James storyline and while I realize that these women are CHOOSING to do this, to go along with these stories, it doesn't mean I have to watch it. As a woman, I find both to be offensive and I'll show my displeasure just about the only way I can. Not going to shows, not buying anymore Kane tee-shirts, and not watching the show.
And here's my question: am I over-reacting here? I really don't think I am. I can tolerate quite a bit, but certain things get under my skin and this is one of them. Where is the line for you, my readers? And what do you do if it ever gets crossed?
I think you're dead wrong. I know that you admire the wrestlers for their minds (I don't think Kane's last book was quite as good as the ones before it, but it's hard keeping up to his high standards), and I don't see why you shouldn't do the same for their entourage of young lovelies.
I think you're missing the irony here. The "pig" comments aren't meant to be taken literally - they're a satire on the body-consciousness that the media imposes on young girls, and a plea against anorexia. I'm sure you would see this if you didn't get quite so emotional about the whole business.
I don't watch wrestling. In solidarity with you, I will continue to not watch wrestling. :p
Just like any TV show...some storylines are good, some storylines are stupid. While I agree that this storyline is stupid because there's surely nothing wrong with the way Mickie James looks, and I think that the writers should be fired for their lack of creativity, I understand that this story will pass and that life will go on. and that wrestling will be fun to watch. Since Michelle McCool and her sidekick are the "heels", nobody really listens to them anyway, which is the whole point. But I understand that this is the way you watch TV and will quit a show based on things like this and that's OK too. Everyone is entitled to the TV viewing of their choice. Now you have time to add Lost back to your watch list for its final season.
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