Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thoughts on Spanking

I read a pretty interesting article on spanking, and according to the poll, about 49% of parents do spank their kids. You can reference the article here ( Now, I'm not a huge fan of statistics in general because personally I feel that statistics can be skewed to show favor to just about any argument, it's all in the way the numbers are presented. BUT, I did find it interesting to read all the different thoughts. Since I work in a pediatric dental office I see all manner of children. Well behaved, badly behaved, really badly behaved and so on. And the really badly behaved are bad. Real bad. I'm not talking about our special needs patients who obviously have reasons behind their behavior and different standards of behavior, I'm talking about kids who get away with EVERYTHING. I had one kid bat a balloon over my head repeatedly.. it bounced OFF my head several time IN FRONT OF THE CHILD'S MOTHER WHO SAID NOTHING! Not a word, not a peep, not even an ATTEMPT to discipline or correct her child. You know, that half assed "No Johnny, that's not nice" comment when the parent very obviously DOES NOT MEAN IT. Nothing. This parent let their little terror run rampant through the reception area, and she did it because hey! It's not HER house.. and what does she care if little Johnny causes havoc and destruction somewhere else. Because dammit, she's going to sit and read People magazine and find out all about the stripper who apparently had an affair with Fergie's husband and really there is nothing more important than that!

And I confess, I have thought in my own head that perhaps a spanking is something the demon child needs. But I'm not really a fan of spanking. As a child, I WAS spanked, and I have to say that my memories of it were not pleasant. And yes, I am completely aware of the fact that spanking is a punishment, and NOT supposed to be pleasant. But there seems to be something so undisciplined about spanking, that anger is getting the best of the parent and they are lashing out. So for now, I'm not on board with the spanking as a discipline method. Of course it's so easy for me to say something like that when I have a 4 month old and of course it's not even on the radar screen anytime soon, but Jeff and and I have discussed it and we're both pretty much in agreement that there will be no spanking in this house. Time outs, loss of privileges, of course. And perhaps a visit from Super Nanny if the need ever arises!!!

So my friends, what are your thoughts on spanking? Yes? No? Maybe???

1 comment:

Hope said...

I agree with you... it shows a loss of control. Plus, I think it teaches kids the wrong message about solving your problems with violence.

The BF doesn't see it my way at all. Which should make things pretty interesting when we have kids!