Searching through Craigslist I was looking for potential yard sales for this weekend. I also always peruse the "part-time" job category to see if there's any part time position I might take. It's more habit than anything else as I really don't have the energy for a second job, but I still look. And I found this doozy (the misspellings are not mine by the way, I just copied and pasted):
Candidate should look really presentable and also willingness to help and grow. Looking for a really smart, presentable candidate who can not only answer phones in a pleasant voice but do the following additional duties. Candidate has to demonstrate willingness to assist the owner in all areas. Looking for a multi tasker. Candidate should have excellent communication skills and willingness to learn and grow. If you aspired to be a model, love to work in an internationally diverse firm, interested in assisting the business in all areas.. of professional and personal duties. (answering phones, running errands occassionally, ensuring visitors are served in fine bone china, coffee and drinks, keeping the kitchen stocked, assisting in filing, maintaining the office by ensuring all aspects of the office function smoothly , being in charge of supplies, copiers, faxes, telephones, computers, helping in travel booking for the owner, ensuring corporate lunch is served in a professional fashion. Are you a person focussed on excellence and attention to detail? Then if you are, then email us a paragraph of who you are and your ideas to schedule an interview. We are looking for someone presentable, dynamic, efficient so as to give our organization a wonderful "first impression" of excellence, sophistication and class. Basic knowledge of computers is a must... Email/Internet/Word... Do you know how to work with apple?
And what caught my eye was the emphasis on being "presentable". Now as a former receptionist I know that looking good is definitely key. Sadly we are a society that judges by appearance, but this ad REALLY rings the alarm bells. It talks about how you need to be "really presentable" and "aspired to be a model". so not only do you need to be computer literate, attention to detail, be dynamic and have a great speaking voice - but MODEL GOOD LOOKS are also key. Somehow I get the feeling that the MAN (yes, I'm making a stretch and assuming the writer is a MAN), is looking for eye candy who can do all his dirty work and for the low, low price of $10 an hour. Yup, he wants model good looks at $10 an hour. Good luck to him I say!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Need to Establish a Work Out Routine
So I need to get back into the habit of working out. Even if its only like 30 minutes daily, I need to do it. I always FEEL better when I'm exercising regularly (even if I loathe actually DOING it), and I have a feeling it will be the only thing that helps me shed some more baby weight. It's just that I am sooooo tired. I know I should work out in the morning, but here's what my day looks like now:
5:30am - wake up and take shower
5:50am - in bathrobe I make about 5 bottles for Nathan and put them in the fridge so they are ready for Jeff to take to daycare
6:00am - get Nathan up, changed, and fed while Jeff showers.
6:15am - 6:45am - make-up, dress, blow dry hair, grab lunch and out the door usually between 6:30am and 6:45am (I need to be at work by 7:30am)
7:30am - 5pm - work
5:30pm - 6pm - pick up Nathan from daycare
6pm - 7pm - get Nathan fed, bathed, and into jammies so he's ready for bed (though we don't give him a bath every night. I mean, he's 3 months old.. he doesn't really get dirty.)
7pm - 7:45pm - help Nathan go to sleep. My routine consists of lots of cuddles, swaddling, and a pacifier. I keep the lights low, the white noise machine on, and I lie next to him and keep putting the pacifier back in his mouth until he's sound asleep.
8pm - some sort of dinner
8:30pm - 11pm - I do a wide range of things. Sometimes I take Monty for a nice long walk, I work on my laptop, read a book, watch a show.. and get in bed ready to do it all again the next day.
No real time to work out. I COULD get up at 5am and do it, but I really don't want to. I am sooo over-ambitious when I SET the alarm the night before, but I haven't worked out in the morning yet. Help me out people, any suggestions???
5:30am - wake up and take shower
5:50am - in bathrobe I make about 5 bottles for Nathan and put them in the fridge so they are ready for Jeff to take to daycare
6:00am - get Nathan up, changed, and fed while Jeff showers.
6:15am - 6:45am - make-up, dress, blow dry hair, grab lunch and out the door usually between 6:30am and 6:45am (I need to be at work by 7:30am)
7:30am - 5pm - work
5:30pm - 6pm - pick up Nathan from daycare
6pm - 7pm - get Nathan fed, bathed, and into jammies so he's ready for bed (though we don't give him a bath every night. I mean, he's 3 months old.. he doesn't really get dirty.)
7pm - 7:45pm - help Nathan go to sleep. My routine consists of lots of cuddles, swaddling, and a pacifier. I keep the lights low, the white noise machine on, and I lie next to him and keep putting the pacifier back in his mouth until he's sound asleep.
8pm - some sort of dinner
8:30pm - 11pm - I do a wide range of things. Sometimes I take Monty for a nice long walk, I work on my laptop, read a book, watch a show.. and get in bed ready to do it all again the next day.
No real time to work out. I COULD get up at 5am and do it, but I really don't want to. I am sooo over-ambitious when I SET the alarm the night before, but I haven't worked out in the morning yet. Help me out people, any suggestions???
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Newest Purchase
On Saturday Jeff and I went to the Marblehead Crafts Festival with friends. It was advertised as having a chowder and chili fest, crafts fair, hay rides. It looked like soooo much fun. Reality was not as much fun as we planned. The hay ride had no hay.... and the chowder and chili fest were really two booths... and the crafts at the fair were sooooo expensive. I saw a painting I really liked until I saw the price tag of $1500. PASS!!
But I DID find this:

Why yes it is a DUCKY SWEATER!! How cute is this??? The woman selling these sweaters was like a hundred years old and she was adorable. She had sweaters of all sizes, colors, and they were beyond cute. I bought this one for Nathan, and my friend bought one for her daughter. Jeff, however, was not as thrilled with the sweater as I was. He thinks it's "therapy in the making" for Nathan. My feeling is there's only going to be a short time where I can dress Nathan in whatever I want with no feedback from him. So NOW is the time for ducky sweaters!!! Thoughts? Is this a cute sweater or am I just giving Nathan things to talk about when with his therapist?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ugh... Sick. Sick and had a lousy day at work. Just didn't feel like myself, you know? Where I kind of felt out of it and only half there. Very unmotivated. Jeff is out for the night at his monthly karaoke thing and I'm home and feeling LOUSY! I'm really, really hoping that Nathan sleeps for most of the night as I'm scared to death I'm going to get HIM sick.
My baby made it through his first week of daycare and apparently he's liking it because he comes home EXHAUSTED. I give him a bottle, we give him a bath and he is out cold. And he stays fast asleep until like 4am. So the daycare thing has definitely been harder on me than it has on him. And some of the hard things are:
1. Picking him up. While I'm ECSTATIC to see Nathan.. he's not really super excited to see me. He's usually really tired and/or hungry and my drive home consists of him passed out cold, or cranking for a bottle. Keep in mind that all daycare reports are of him behaving WONDERFULLY so apparently his Dr. Jekyll personality only comes out for me. Fabulous.
2. He goes to bed so soon. I don't want to force him to stay awake when he's so obviously tired, but that means he goes to bed now between 6:30pm and 8pm. So we really don't see much of him on daycare nights. And that sucks because at work I really do think of him a lot and I miss him bunches.
3. It stinks that I'm not as good at keeping Nathan occupied during the day as the daycare workers are. Yes I realize that part of the great thing about daycare is he is with OTHER BABIES, and obviously I can't provide that... it's just hard to thin that I might not be doing a good job with him when we're alone. I had joined a Mommy Group with the idea that I might actually go out and do things with other moms... but the group just disbanded. Sigh... I'll find another at some point, but that kind of sucked.
Anyway, it's a sniffly and sneezy kind of night and I have a feeling I'll be going to bed myself very soon!!!
My baby made it through his first week of daycare and apparently he's liking it because he comes home EXHAUSTED. I give him a bottle, we give him a bath and he is out cold. And he stays fast asleep until like 4am. So the daycare thing has definitely been harder on me than it has on him. And some of the hard things are:
1. Picking him up. While I'm ECSTATIC to see Nathan.. he's not really super excited to see me. He's usually really tired and/or hungry and my drive home consists of him passed out cold, or cranking for a bottle. Keep in mind that all daycare reports are of him behaving WONDERFULLY so apparently his Dr. Jekyll personality only comes out for me. Fabulous.
2. He goes to bed so soon. I don't want to force him to stay awake when he's so obviously tired, but that means he goes to bed now between 6:30pm and 8pm. So we really don't see much of him on daycare nights. And that sucks because at work I really do think of him a lot and I miss him bunches.
3. It stinks that I'm not as good at keeping Nathan occupied during the day as the daycare workers are. Yes I realize that part of the great thing about daycare is he is with OTHER BABIES, and obviously I can't provide that... it's just hard to thin that I might not be doing a good job with him when we're alone. I had joined a Mommy Group with the idea that I might actually go out and do things with other moms... but the group just disbanded. Sigh... I'll find another at some point, but that kind of sucked.
Anyway, it's a sniffly and sneezy kind of night and I have a feeling I'll be going to bed myself very soon!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Super Irritation
I stopped watching "John and Kate Plus 8" awhile ago. I stopped because it was kind of the same show every time, and watching the parents bicker was not fun. I also hated hearing about their divorce and how the two parents seem to have morphed into complete and total media whores. Frankly I think they should stop the show and concentrate on raising their children in as stable a home as possible without television crews filming every minute. But that's me. I did however read something about them today that really, really pissed me off.
Some time ago the couple purchased two German Shepard puppies for the family. This raised alarms because Kate, the mom, was always completely OCD about the family and house being clean and puppies... well puppies have accidents. But the family got the puppies and are now... GIVING THEM BACK TO THE BREEDER.
See story here:
OMG does this piss me off like you would not believe. This family has MILLIONS of dollars. MILLIONS. And they are returning the puppies since apparently this former couple is too selfish to work together and come up with a solution for keeping them. Like maybe, hiring a dog walker. They can freakin' afford a dog walker to come three times a day, every day for the rest of the dogs' natural born lives, but instead. Dogs go bye bye. You know, having a pet is a COMMITMENT. It's hard work. And at times irritating and expensive. But that animal is completely and utterly dependent on you for EVERYTHING. Food, vet care, attention... you name it, that animal cannot get these things for themselves. They need us, their people, to provide them. And in return they give us unrequited love. It's a pretty fair trade, and the idea that a family is just returning their beloved family pets like a sweater makes me insane with rage.
Maybe I'm just really sensitive to this issue since I worked in an animal shelter and I saw pets given up for all sorts of awful reasons. One cat was given up because it didn't match the new sofa. Swear to God, that was the reason. Pets are not just for when its convenient for you. And for a public "personality" like these people to return their pets like it is nothing just burns me up inside.
Okay, stepping off my soapbox for the evening!
Some time ago the couple purchased two German Shepard puppies for the family. This raised alarms because Kate, the mom, was always completely OCD about the family and house being clean and puppies... well puppies have accidents. But the family got the puppies and are now... GIVING THEM BACK TO THE BREEDER.
See story here:
OMG does this piss me off like you would not believe. This family has MILLIONS of dollars. MILLIONS. And they are returning the puppies since apparently this former couple is too selfish to work together and come up with a solution for keeping them. Like maybe, hiring a dog walker. They can freakin' afford a dog walker to come three times a day, every day for the rest of the dogs' natural born lives, but instead. Dogs go bye bye. You know, having a pet is a COMMITMENT. It's hard work. And at times irritating and expensive. But that animal is completely and utterly dependent on you for EVERYTHING. Food, vet care, attention... you name it, that animal cannot get these things for themselves. They need us, their people, to provide them. And in return they give us unrequited love. It's a pretty fair trade, and the idea that a family is just returning their beloved family pets like a sweater makes me insane with rage.
Maybe I'm just really sensitive to this issue since I worked in an animal shelter and I saw pets given up for all sorts of awful reasons. One cat was given up because it didn't match the new sofa. Swear to God, that was the reason. Pets are not just for when its convenient for you. And for a public "personality" like these people to return their pets like it is nothing just burns me up inside.
Okay, stepping off my soapbox for the evening!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Early, early morning
Around 3:30am this morning I was woken up by.... no, not Nathan. Nathan was peacefully sleeping in his co-sleeper all swaddled up and comfy cozy. No, I was woken up by Jeff who was prowling around the windows and peering out into the night. Here's the conversation as I recall:
Jeff: Effing raccoons. Those bastards are in the garbage, I can see them!
Me: Huh?
Jeff: Raccoons are in the garbage, little bastards woke me up.
Me: What?
Here's where Jeff goes downstairs and leaves me to wonder if the whole thing is a figment of my imagination. Nope, I hear the front door open and Jeff is outside turning on his car alarm which is parked next to our trash can. I shake myself awake, peer in at the oblivious Nathan and head downstairs. Together, Jeff and I walk outside and look to see if the raccoons have been scared off. We see nothing. The garbage has obviously been tampered with, the lid is off, and the bag has been ripped open. But no raccoon. Apparently it didn't enjoy having its little midnight snack interrupted. I was kind of bummed not to SEE the raccoon because I personally think they are adorable, but since Jeff was still thinking of ways to kill them, it was not in my best interest to mention how cute they are.
I also didn't mention that my sister and I used to feed the family of raccoons near our house. We'd leave them peanut butter and bread (on napkins so it wouldn't get dirty) and one night we tossed hot dogs out the window to them. My father had no idea that Karen and I were apparently hosting an all you can eat for free buffet for the raccoons of the neighborhood and did everything he could to discourage them. Alas his efforts were no match for our passion for baby raccoons! We fed them every chance we got!
I won't be doing that now because I suspect Jeff would NOT be happy. But I have thought about it. Meanwhile I've got to head outside and pick up all the garbage that was thrown everywhere, see, raccoons enjoy leftover Chinese food as much as I do!
Jeff: Effing raccoons. Those bastards are in the garbage, I can see them!
Me: Huh?
Jeff: Raccoons are in the garbage, little bastards woke me up.
Me: What?
Here's where Jeff goes downstairs and leaves me to wonder if the whole thing is a figment of my imagination. Nope, I hear the front door open and Jeff is outside turning on his car alarm which is parked next to our trash can. I shake myself awake, peer in at the oblivious Nathan and head downstairs. Together, Jeff and I walk outside and look to see if the raccoons have been scared off. We see nothing. The garbage has obviously been tampered with, the lid is off, and the bag has been ripped open. But no raccoon. Apparently it didn't enjoy having its little midnight snack interrupted. I was kind of bummed not to SEE the raccoon because I personally think they are adorable, but since Jeff was still thinking of ways to kill them, it was not in my best interest to mention how cute they are.
I also didn't mention that my sister and I used to feed the family of raccoons near our house. We'd leave them peanut butter and bread (on napkins so it wouldn't get dirty) and one night we tossed hot dogs out the window to them. My father had no idea that Karen and I were apparently hosting an all you can eat for free buffet for the raccoons of the neighborhood and did everything he could to discourage them. Alas his efforts were no match for our passion for baby raccoons! We fed them every chance we got!
I won't be doing that now because I suspect Jeff would NOT be happy. But I have thought about it. Meanwhile I've got to head outside and pick up all the garbage that was thrown everywhere, see, raccoons enjoy leftover Chinese food as much as I do!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Christmas Presents for EVERYONE
I know nobody listened to me earlier about the awesomeness that is Quacker Factory. And shame on all of you, SHAME. But since I know nobody listened I can confidently purchase the following items as Christmas presents for EVERYONE with no fear of any of you already owning this little gem.
Yes that IS a "Glamour and Shine Zip Front Cardigan" that comes in an assortment of colors. Personally I cannot WAIT to see everyone's expression when they open this little gem!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sadness over Patrick Swayze Passing

I loved Patrick Swayze from the moment I saw him in "The Outsiders". He was soooooo handsome and insanely good looking, and never mind that is character was trying to hard to do the right thing and raise his brothers. I swear if it was possible to marry a book/movie character, I would have done so. I love just about everything that he's ever done, and the fact that he married his high school sweetheart and they STAYED married and for all reports happy for over 20 years?? Made me love him all the more.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Favorite Guilty Pleasure
I love TLC, "The Learning Channel". Love it. If there's a show on this channel, odds are good I'm watching it. Currently I tape "Say Yes to the Dress" and "Masters of Reception", and I am also known to tape episodes of "LA Ink" if I see a preview that appeals to me. But the BIGGEST guilty pleasure on TLC? That's the shows about medical mysteries such as conjoined twins, primordial dwarves, the world's tallest teenagers and more. I love, love, love these shows. And Jeff HATES these shows. In fact, the only show I refuse to watch on TLC is "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" because my God am I sick of hearing about these people and I feel so bad for the kids. But everything else? Game on people, I'll watch it.
Now Jeff can put up with shows like "Say Yes to the Dress", but he draws the line at the shows about conjoined twins and the such. I wanted to watch the world's oldest conjoined twins (two brothers who actually supported their entire family with their work in a Carnival Side Show", and he absolutley drew the line there. He would NOT watch it, and in fact was so disgusted he refused to even be in the room with it on the screen. So I taped it to watch it later. I'm not quite sure WHY I love shows like this, and since there are so many of them on I suspect I am not the only one. I think I'm just really, really nosy and I like to know how other people live and I am fascinated by people overcoming challenges, and well.... I just like to watch them. I can't really justify it anymore than that.
Does anyone else find themselves addicted to TLC??? I promise I won't tell Jeff if you are!
Now Jeff can put up with shows like "Say Yes to the Dress", but he draws the line at the shows about conjoined twins and the such. I wanted to watch the world's oldest conjoined twins (two brothers who actually supported their entire family with their work in a Carnival Side Show", and he absolutley drew the line there. He would NOT watch it, and in fact was so disgusted he refused to even be in the room with it on the screen. So I taped it to watch it later. I'm not quite sure WHY I love shows like this, and since there are so many of them on I suspect I am not the only one. I think I'm just really, really nosy and I like to know how other people live and I am fascinated by people overcoming challenges, and well.... I just like to watch them. I can't really justify it anymore than that.
Does anyone else find themselves addicted to TLC??? I promise I won't tell Jeff if you are!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Horrible, horrible day
You know how you just have a FEELING that you're going to have a bad day and that you should perhaps stay in bed with the covers over your head?? Today was one of those days.
I'm going to take you through my day by steps and you can all feel SOOOOO much better that your day did not suck ass like my own personal day.
1. Nathan did not sleep well. Yes, I realize he's only 3 months old and thus all bets are off with sleep, but he usually does a good 6-7 hour stretch and I've become rather used to that stretch and when I did NOT GET IT, I was a wee bit put out.
2. Of course we all know that Nathan, being my adorable and precious baby who can do no wrong, does not get the brunt of my anger. Oh no.. I save that for my HUSBAND! So Jeff tried to do something nice and took Nathan out of the bedroom around 6am and went downstairs so I could sleep in. (To be fair, Jeff was out last night with friends having drinks and BEING SOCIAL while I was home with Nathan, but still, it was nice of him to let me sleep).
3. I woke up a little past 6am to howling wind and torrential downpours when I remembered that our basement door was unlocked. It was unlocked because Jeff had put in a load of laundry last night and we hadn't brought it up. So I went tearing down the stairs and threw on a pair of sandals while I told Jeff I was going to lock the door and get the laundry. Apparently in my rush I was talking louder than I would normally and I woke up Nathan. This sparked a "discussion" between Jeff and I myself.
4. My package of "fat clothes" came in the mail and the jeans were a little snug. Let me underline that for you. I got clothes in sizes I have NEVER WORN IN MY LIFE and the jeans WERE TIGHT. This was not destined to put me in a good mood. I sausaged my ass into the jeans and went about my day.
5. Jeff and I spent $200+ on things for Nathan. Fun things like oh, diapers and wipes and formula and new bottles and God the excitement never ends! As a result we are broke, broke, broke and this of course makes me want to spend, spend, spend or eat, eat, eat which is why we are broke and I am fat - but I digress.
6. On the way home from Babies R Us I had "An Incident". Without going into too many details I suddenly, and urgently needed to use a bathroom. IMMEDIATELY. Did it matter that Jeff needed to pick up a prescription? Hell no. Did it matter that Jeff wanted to deposit a check to cover our spending spree mentioned earlier? Not in the least. I forced Jeff to drive home at breakneck speeds where I RACED to the bathroom and got there just in time. I left Jeff to bring in Nathan and the gazillion of bags and boxes that we had picked up at Babies R Us.
7. I made Jeff use the plunger on the toilet.
Anyone feel like telling me about their own horrible day?? You know, to try and make me feel better??? ANYONE???
I'm going to take you through my day by steps and you can all feel SOOOOO much better that your day did not suck ass like my own personal day.
1. Nathan did not sleep well. Yes, I realize he's only 3 months old and thus all bets are off with sleep, but he usually does a good 6-7 hour stretch and I've become rather used to that stretch and when I did NOT GET IT, I was a wee bit put out.
2. Of course we all know that Nathan, being my adorable and precious baby who can do no wrong, does not get the brunt of my anger. Oh no.. I save that for my HUSBAND! So Jeff tried to do something nice and took Nathan out of the bedroom around 6am and went downstairs so I could sleep in. (To be fair, Jeff was out last night with friends having drinks and BEING SOCIAL while I was home with Nathan, but still, it was nice of him to let me sleep).
3. I woke up a little past 6am to howling wind and torrential downpours when I remembered that our basement door was unlocked. It was unlocked because Jeff had put in a load of laundry last night and we hadn't brought it up. So I went tearing down the stairs and threw on a pair of sandals while I told Jeff I was going to lock the door and get the laundry. Apparently in my rush I was talking louder than I would normally and I woke up Nathan. This sparked a "discussion" between Jeff and I myself.
4. My package of "fat clothes" came in the mail and the jeans were a little snug. Let me underline that for you. I got clothes in sizes I have NEVER WORN IN MY LIFE and the jeans WERE TIGHT. This was not destined to put me in a good mood. I sausaged my ass into the jeans and went about my day.
5. Jeff and I spent $200+ on things for Nathan. Fun things like oh, diapers and wipes and formula and new bottles and God the excitement never ends! As a result we are broke, broke, broke and this of course makes me want to spend, spend, spend or eat, eat, eat which is why we are broke and I am fat - but I digress.
6. On the way home from Babies R Us I had "An Incident". Without going into too many details I suddenly, and urgently needed to use a bathroom. IMMEDIATELY. Did it matter that Jeff needed to pick up a prescription? Hell no. Did it matter that Jeff wanted to deposit a check to cover our spending spree mentioned earlier? Not in the least. I forced Jeff to drive home at breakneck speeds where I RACED to the bathroom and got there just in time. I left Jeff to bring in Nathan and the gazillion of bags and boxes that we had picked up at Babies R Us.
7. I made Jeff use the plunger on the toilet.
Anyone feel like telling me about their own horrible day?? You know, to try and make me feel better??? ANYONE???
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Love/Hate Relationship with Lottery Tickets
Jeff and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on September 8th. I got Jeff just a few things since we're still trying to watch our pennies. I got him the following:
A Card
Two bags of jellybeans
4 scratch tickets ($5 each so a total of $20).
See, Jeff buys scratch tickets from time to time, and he will even occasionally buy a lottery ticket if he remembers to. Me? I'm not a big fan of the lottery. I kind of feel like it's a waste of money and that if I was going to buy lottery tickets I would be better off putting that money in a savings account. Of course I watch things like "The Lottery Changed my Life" and I want to run out and buy tickets because of course I fantasize about WINNING the lottery. But I almost always regret the purchase. I mean, if I DO win, it's like a dollar. And poor Jeff? The tickets I got him were complete losers. And I'm slightly annoyed I spent the $20 on the tickets and perhaps I should have got him a gift card to like Starbucks or something. At least than I wouldn't feel like I had thrown money down the drain.
What do you guys think? Do you play the lottery? If so, do you play often?
A Card
Two bags of jellybeans
4 scratch tickets ($5 each so a total of $20).
See, Jeff buys scratch tickets from time to time, and he will even occasionally buy a lottery ticket if he remembers to. Me? I'm not a big fan of the lottery. I kind of feel like it's a waste of money and that if I was going to buy lottery tickets I would be better off putting that money in a savings account. Of course I watch things like "The Lottery Changed my Life" and I want to run out and buy tickets because of course I fantasize about WINNING the lottery. But I almost always regret the purchase. I mean, if I DO win, it's like a dollar. And poor Jeff? The tickets I got him were complete losers. And I'm slightly annoyed I spent the $20 on the tickets and perhaps I should have got him a gift card to like Starbucks or something. At least than I wouldn't feel like I had thrown money down the drain.
What do you guys think? Do you play the lottery? If so, do you play often?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Neighborhood aka Party Central
Right now there are two houses across the street from Jeff and I having parties. The house across from us has a steep driveway that ends right in front of our house. Or to be more exact, right into Nathan's room. This makes me kind of nervous since these parties include drinking. Quite a bit of drinking. Granted, Nathan sleeps in our room right now (in a co-sleeper next to our bed) but his nursery is right next to the street. Not really a big deal since we live on a private road with mostly families. But across from us is Party Central and there's a couple of guys who live there that throw loud get togethers. (Let's not forget Disco Ball Fred who lives on our other side, but he's been pretty quiet lately since getting a girlfriend). And right now there is loud music, drinking, and lights. Nathan is passed out upstairs in our room and I have the air conditioner running to help drown out the noise, but I'm pretty ticked off. This is a residential neighborhood. A residential neighborhood with families. On one side of us is a family with 4 kids, and across the street is a family with 2 small kids. At the top of our hill is another house with 2 kids. So it's pretty family oriented and I don't know what would possess single men to buy homes in this neighborhood. And personally I think it's pretty disrespectful to have loud music going on at all hours of the night. It's not like these guys don't KNOW there are small children living near them, so I just don't get it. Anyway there's no real point to this post other than I'm irritated and it's making me want to move Nathan's crib into our room to keep in safe.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
See how I wrote just a few hours ago that I cleaned the living room? Vacuumed the rug and all that? Well Monty just deposited the entire contents of his stomach ALL OVER MY NICE CLEAN RUG.
Why do I even bother?
Why do I even bother?
Sick Day
What is it about me that has an inability to sit around and do nothing when I'm sick?? I've been cranky and tired and just plain achy these last few days and in an effort to be nice Jeff took Nathan to a brunch with his family - leaving me with the house to myself. Well I slept till about 9:30am (BLISS!!!) and took a shower and then...
I vacuumed the kitchen and living room
Pulled up our throw rug and vacuumed underneath it and put down a rug pad
Cursed at rug pad because it was too small but wound up using it regardless
Mopped kitchen floor
Took out trash
Ran laundry
And I also really, really miss my baby. See, Jeff took Nathan with him. Since birth, I do not recall being in the house without Nathan. Jeff has gone out a few times for karaoke and I've stayed home with Nathan, and I've gone out a few times without Nathan (okay, I think I've been out once without him), but for the most part I've had Nathan with me. He may be in the other room sleeping, but he's been with me. And I miss my baby. I really, really miss my baby. As a result I'm sitting here and staring at the clock and wondering just when Jeff and Nathan will get home so I can hold my baby boy. I can't rest, I can't relax, I just want my baby back.
My question is, is this normal?? I'm serious people, is this normal?? It's not like Nathan is with a stranger, and I'm not worried about Nathan. I just WANT HIM BACK. Someone please tell me I haven't gone insane, and feel free to lie to me if I have!
I vacuumed the kitchen and living room
Pulled up our throw rug and vacuumed underneath it and put down a rug pad
Cursed at rug pad because it was too small but wound up using it regardless
Mopped kitchen floor
Took out trash
Ran laundry
And I also really, really miss my baby. See, Jeff took Nathan with him. Since birth, I do not recall being in the house without Nathan. Jeff has gone out a few times for karaoke and I've stayed home with Nathan, and I've gone out a few times without Nathan (okay, I think I've been out once without him), but for the most part I've had Nathan with me. He may be in the other room sleeping, but he's been with me. And I miss my baby. I really, really miss my baby. As a result I'm sitting here and staring at the clock and wondering just when Jeff and Nathan will get home so I can hold my baby boy. I can't rest, I can't relax, I just want my baby back.
My question is, is this normal?? I'm serious people, is this normal?? It's not like Nathan is with a stranger, and I'm not worried about Nathan. I just WANT HIM BACK. Someone please tell me I haven't gone insane, and feel free to lie to me if I have!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Holy Crap Check This Out!
I was watching SyFy this afternoon and there was a marathon of those really, really horrible Leprechaun movies from the 80's. I've never really watched any of those movies all the way through because even though I love bad movies, these were below even my standards (I know, I'm shocked as well). And that's when I struck bad movie gold:
Yes people, it's LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE!!!! The little blurb describing it says that the Leprechaun is trying to marry an ALIEN PRINCESS SO HE CAN RULE THE UNIVERSE. You KNOW I had to Tivo it. I am so excited to watch it, so excited. But now Jeff is saying he can't watch 4 without watching the other three.. that watching it out of order isn't going to work. My feeling is, it's a LEPRECHAUN MOVIE. What do you need to know?? Evil little leprechaun loses his pot of gold and kills people to get it back. The End. There's no PLOT... there's no ACTING... this is not Oscar nominee material. It's about a LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE.... Let's just start the Tivo and hit play!
But if I DO have to sit through the first three movies, I'll be sure to write about them so I guess it's a win/win situation all around!
Yes people, it's LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE!!!! The little blurb describing it says that the Leprechaun is trying to marry an ALIEN PRINCESS SO HE CAN RULE THE UNIVERSE. You KNOW I had to Tivo it. I am so excited to watch it, so excited. But now Jeff is saying he can't watch 4 without watching the other three.. that watching it out of order isn't going to work. My feeling is, it's a LEPRECHAUN MOVIE. What do you need to know?? Evil little leprechaun loses his pot of gold and kills people to get it back. The End. There's no PLOT... there's no ACTING... this is not Oscar nominee material. It's about a LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE.... Let's just start the Tivo and hit play!
But if I DO have to sit through the first three movies, I'll be sure to write about them so I guess it's a win/win situation all around!
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