First, I filled up my Jeep with gas and that came to $39.00. Should last me until Friday of this up-coming week. Mainly because I'm not going anywhere tomorrow if I can help it!
Target - the total came to $72.07 (EEK). Going through the list I can at least comfort myself with the fact that it was mostly necessities. I got the following:
New Underwear (I'm fat and I've been buying super cheap undies to get me through the rest of this pregnancy)
Diaper Rash creme for Nathan (yes I realize he's not here yet, but I thought having two tubes of it on hand would not be a bad thing... you know, preventative care and all!)
A picture frame for Nathan's room (okay, this was a splurge at $16.99 but I really want to hang a picture of Jeff and I with Nathan in the nursery.... )
Facial Wash for $4
Lotion (and here I got the generic version of Vaseline Intensive Care in a SUPER large bottle for only $3.64)
Body Wash
Hair elastics by Goody
And new sandals from Target that are slightly dressier versions of flip flops for $19.99. One again, a splurge, but since my bloated and puffy feet cannot FIT into the shoes I own, this was kind of a necessity.
Got home and I ordered the following item online:

It's a 15 pocket mesh organizer for Nathan's room and it hangs on the door of the closet. It was $24.95 with shipping and it's EXACTLY what I've been looking for. If you remember, square footage in this house is at a premium and I needed to make sure we had plenty of room for Nathan's toys, stuffed animals, tiny shoes and other baby stuff. I searched high and low for something like this and finally found it on "Leaps and Bounds" website. I purchased it today.
So for a day where we didn't really do much and I actually got a free breakfast from my Dad and free lunch from Jeff (he paid for Chinese take out), I spent $135.02. That's a pretty hefty chunk of change in my opinion. Where could I have saved? Well gas you need.. you know to get to work and all that. But Target.. the picture frame and sandals were not MUST HAVES and I suppose I could have saved there. Also, the mesh organizer.. that too was not a MUST HAVE and we could have probably done without for a few months... but I would have needed something like it eventually. Or so I'm telling myself.
My faithful readers, do you find yourselves spending more than you thought your would or budgeted? Jeff and I are home for the rest of the night and we'll be doing laundry and a little light cleaning so no worries about spending now. Plus I almost never go to Target anymore - Jeff goes on Sundays with a friend and usually picks up what we need. But girlie stuff like lotion and facial wash I usually get myself... I guess the two big things that could have gone back were the sandals and frame... Ah well. Next time I'll do better!
1 comment:
I rarely get out of Target without spending at least $30. I'll go in for one thing and see this...and that..and oh yeah, this is on sale! A lot of stuff, like cleaning and laundry supplies, and toiletries, are cheaper there. And I'll see something that I might not need now, but I will when my current supply runs out. Also, I have to restrain myself from buying a ton of Avon stuff, since it eats into my profits! But I love, love, love the producs.
So yeah, I can totally relate. ;-)
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