Last Thursday, Monty hurt his paw. Jeff had take him outside for his normal potty time, and when Monty came back inside he was bleeding. Apparently it looked like a horror movie was taking place in our house, blood was EVERYWHERE. I was not home at the time, but was out to dinner with my father. When I got home that night Jeff had stopped the blood. I shooed Jeff out for the night since it was his monthly night of karaoke. I put Monty in his crate so that he wouldn't keep re-opening the cut. This worked fine until he needed to pee. I took him out around midnight, and once again.. blood everywhere. Put Monty back in his crate and cleaned up all the blood. The next morning we headed out to Woburn Emergency Animal clinic.
Monty had apparently knicked an artery and also cut a ligament in his toe, so one toe is flat while the others are curled up. We got pain killers and antibiotics for Monty and we fed him both in balls of cream cheese. 

Now Monty LOVED those cream cheese balls... loved them. Until he figured out that cream cheese balls hid big ol' horse pills. Now he won't touch them. So we switched to hiding his meds in Beneful wet food (Monty normally only gets dry food for his meals since Greyhounds can NOT gain too much weight, you need to be fairly strict with their diet), and wet food is a treat. Now he's back to wolfing down his meds, but here's the issue. He wants NOTHING to do with his dry food. He wants his treats. He used to scarf down his dry food like he wouldn't see another meal for weeks, but now that we normally give him these "treats", he's waiting. Like what else is he going to get that is better. Right now we've fed him dinner and there is STILL dry food in his bowl. It's crazy and boy is there going to be a shock when his medicine is done this up-coming week and the treats come to an end. There is going to be an unhappy greyhound around here!!!
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