Last night Jeff and I went with one of his friends to the 11:30pm showing of Baman: The Dark Knight.
Really, really amazing movie. Heath Ledger was, of course, brilliant, and it makes me incredibly sad that he is no longer with us. And the movie was an all around visually stunning film with interesting and well-developed characters, but oh my am I tired today at work. We didn't get home until almost 3am and I was so wired from the movie, the soda, and the candy (really, some sort of chocolate or popcorn is requred anytime you go see a show!) that I didn't get to sleep until around 6am. Up again at 7:45am and at work by 8:30am. Yes, I skipped a shower this morning, but since the alarm didn't go off in time and I instead woke up to Jeff saying "Oh my God, what time is it", I really am lucky I made it to work at all! I don't regret going to see the movie, although I am sucking down Diet Coke by the gallon in an attempt to keep my brain from fogging over. When will I learn that I am not 18 anymore and that at the age of 33 I just cannot make do on less than a full nights' sleep??? Someone please feel free to remind me if I ever have the urge to catch a midnight showing of a movie again!
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