Since we're still on the subject of books, I thought I'd make a little post of some of my favorites. I tend to re-read my favorite books, and if I can't see myself re-reading a book, I don't keep it. You can always tell my favorite books by how dog eared and beat up they are. Oh, and the binding is ALWAYS bent!

"Pink Think: Becoming a Woman in Many Uneasy Lessons"

This book goes into history to talk about how the idea of pink and feminity became intertwined, mainly focusing on the 1950's era. I'm making it sound boring, but its really excellent and had some interesting facts in there too. She dissects and rips into all the "how to" books and magazines marketing to young girls during that time, and she does it with a sly edge of humor.
Yup, LOVE Emma, love it. If you haven't read this classic, you are missing out!
"Sex with Kings: 500 years of Adultery, Power, Rivalry, and Revenge"
Really fun and quick read, the author talks about past kings and their mistresses. She ties in historical facts, how mistresses changed a dynasty for better or worse, why they were so popular, and how beauty was not always what had captivated a king. For example, did you know that Madam de Pompadour was actually frigid? She "hired out" the sexual side of her relationship with Louis to a brothel so she would not have to share his bed. She kept her power by being the most fascinating, enchanting woman in his court and she was by his side for over 20 years until her death.
"Megan's Mark"
Looking for a steamy, hot read that includes a kind of werewolf/sci fi background? This book is scorching hot. I mean the scenes in here are enough to make you blush reading it alone. Frankly after the third book in this series, the author loses me mainly because of the same reasons I've listed below. The writing all seems to repeat itself. But this first one I've kept because I still think it's HOT!
"Moon Called"
Ignore the really bad cover - it's actually a very good story. The heroine is a shapeshifter (she turns into a coyote) and she works as a mechanic. There's werewolves and vampires, and the lead is actually an interesting, strong woman where the romance angle isn't the main plot point. I've read all three books in this series and they keep getting better and better. If you like the whole fantasy genre, than you'll probably like this book!
"Can't Wait to Get To Heaven"
I adore Fannie Flagg and have read just about all of her books. This one is my absolute favorite. The lead character, Elner, has died and gone to heaven for the first half of the book and it talks about how her death affects the other characters, and also what Elner's idea of heaven is. For example, she gets to heaven on an elevator that is like a roller coaster ride - apparently each person' entrance to heaven is based on what they liked during life. One person arrived on a luxury boat, another in a convertible. It's really, really excellent and I actually got a little teary at the end. But I'm a sap like that!
"The Italian Boy: A Tale of Murder and Body Snatching in the 1830's"
I LOVE books about history, and if you throw in a mystery and murder, well, I'm hooked. This one is about the murder of an italian boy who had made his living in England by showcasing little white mice, he would set up plays and the such and people would pay him to see them. It was apparently a fairly common way for immigrant children to make money. It also ties in the whole idea that body snatching or grave robbing was the way most universities got their cadavers for research, despite it being illegal. The author REALLY did their research on this one, but kept the story moving at the same time. Excellent book, even if it is slightly depressing.
Well that's it, I could go on and on about my favorite books, but I think this covers them for now! Enjoy and happy reading!
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