Jeff and I went to WWE wrestling so I could indulge my obsession with all things Kane. Well, actually we went because we both have fun going to and watching the shows. I am so not a sports person, and I thank God everyday that my husband is also not a sports person. But wrestling is different. It has a story, usually some sort of metal music, and it has KANE! I mean Kane has a fabulous backstory - which is way too much to get into here, but he has ANGST. I love characters with angst. For example, I am not a Superman fan as he seems too perfect. But I love Batman as he all sorts of angst and drama!!! Where was I? Oh yeah, KANE! Kane is this monster guy that is so not attractive but he's HUGE and pale and bald and he comes out with fireworks and metal music and I adore him. So Jeff let me pretend that I was 12 and I made a sign that said "Kane Lights My Fire" and we went to the show. Well at the end of the night Kane came out after the main show so most of the crowd was already gone. So I unrolled my sign and waved it around like an idiot. I didn't think much of it until Jeff and I were looking at pictures from the night and there's a picture of Kane looking RIGHT at us.. and SMILING! He's smiling at my sign! SCORE! Now if he could only have waggled a finger at me I would have rushed the stage and given him a big ol' hug!!!!
Yay!!!! I'm so happy that you started a blog!!! I wish some OTHER people (ahem) that we know would do the same!
Kane is soooo spunky, not sure I could handle it all at once...
you guys are such dorks. If you were real wwf fans you would find how to get the cartoon series on dvd so we can re-watch while eating peanut butter boppers.
Oh...a cartoon series! I'll have to see if I can whip that up.
Oh...I found some of it..."Hulk Hogan's Rock N Wrestling"
The cartoon was my favorite for a while as a kid! Great sign Kae!!! If we added a "n" to your name it would be Kane. Weird.
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