Jeff and I invited my father over this past weekend and we watched the much anticipated "Alien vs Predator 2". Yes, the sequel to the amazing "Alien vs Predator" with the infamous line of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". I'm not sure why we invite my father over for such horrible movies such as these, but for some odd reason I get a huge kick out of torturing him. Regardless the movie was decent. Lots of good action, lots of unnecessary and graphic shots of disembowled bodies, and of course there's one teenage kid who's a complete ASS and you're just waiting for him to bite it in the most gruesome and painful way possible. The only thing I missed was the whole "human fights WITH predator" storyline that was in the first. The lead female in the first movie was amazing and the fact that she joins forces with the predator to defeat the aliens was fabulous. No such storyline here, just a bunch of people that you kind of vaguely care about and a cliffhanger ending that made absolute no sense but instead sets you up for apparently the NEXT movie in the Alien vs Predator saga. Not real happy about that, I kind of wanted them to tie the movies to the originals of both genres, but no such luck.
BTW, after the movie my father INSISTED, was 100% POSITIVE that he had not seen the first Alien vs Predator movie despite Jeff and I telling him that he had in fact seen it, and seen it with us! He wasn't having it at all and continued to protest that he had not seen the movie, and further insinuated that Jeff and I were, in fact, crazy. So we got the first movie out and played it through and eventually my father conceded that perhaps "some of the clips seem vaguely familiar". Uh huh. That's because YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIE ALREADY!!!!
Katharine & Jeff 1
Daddy 0
On the bright side, they MIGHT actually be leading up to the first Alien movie with the Alien Vs. Predator movies. If you'll recall from the first Alien, the company actually sent those people out to find the aliens without telling them. Now I need to see the original Predator movies to see when they took place.
Whoo! We scored a point!
This is one of the worst slanders against your long-suffering father that I've seen in years.
I observe that you don't care to draw the obvious conclusion, that Alien vs. Predator I was so forgettable that the poor man had no chance of remembering it.
Though to tell the truth, AvP I was so much better than AvP II that one might almost be fooled into thinking that the first one was a good movie. Or at least not really, really bad. Even when AvP II gave you a victim you could really root for (to get killed in a nicely horrible way), he gets offed in a few seconds of screen time.
And I really like helicopters that can fly faster than shock waves. I need to get me one of those.
So, when will you be inviting your father over for the new Grand Theft Auto?
Points, phui! (And yes, those grapes are sour.
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