Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Long, long stretches of time

when I have to feed Nathan.

Oh my, feeding Nathan. I would rather change a dirty diaper than feed Nathan. I would rather do laundry, clean the bathroom, and pick up a million toys than feed Nathan. Feeding Nathan takes FOREVER. It's endless stretches of time I will never get back. It's boring. So very, very boring.

Now - I know we've already established how I would cheerfully lay down on railroad tracks for my precious angel, but feeding him? Ugh. Each mealtime takes approximately 45 minutes (and this does not include the time I spend cooking and preparing the meal for him). Nathan is learning to use a fork and spoon, and he is very enthusiastic about these utensils. But he is not GOOD with them yet. Sometimes he picks up the fork in one hand, the bite of food in the other, and then PLACES the food on the fork before attempting to maneuver it into his mouth. It's funny, but it's a long process. This is when I will sit and scroll through Facebook. Anything to pass the time. I can't leave Nathan in his highchair and walk around - what if he CHOKES?? And Nathan still needs things. Like more milk. And I will get him this milk NOW, thank you very much! Or he will want to feed me. And laugh. And feed me. Throw some food on the floor. Or show me his hands and say "yucky" because he's got sauce and cheese smeared all over them and I wipe his hands off and he IMMEDIATELY PUTS THEM BACK IN THE SAUCE AND SMEARS IT ALL OVER THE PLACE. Where is the sense in that??

Jeff and I are always trying to pass the job of feeding Nathan off on the other person. We're ALWAYS asking "You're feeding Nathan, right"? And that "right" is always tinged with just a hint of desperation. Just a tick! At the very least though we do NOT have to go through the elaborate dinner theatre routines we used to do, so there's definitely progress. But oh my, I cannot wait for this to get better. Wait - WILL it get better?????


Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting to find out if the sleeping will ever get better. I'm starting to believe it won't. Callie also is a mess with her solids - she demands to hold the spoon herself, but she puts her hand on the spoon/food part and shoves everything in her mouth at once... spoon, hand, food... and then puts her hands on everything, including her head and my head. Good times.

Travis said...

You just need to have more kids...that will put everything in perspective and make you feel lots better. (o:

Travis said...

Oops...I am signed in on my husbands account.'s DAWN...not Travis leaving comments. (o: