Okay, who am I kidding... this is his favorite way to sleep ALL THE TIME! He loves this. And while it's lovely to have a snugly baby all curled up on you there are times I would like to do the following:
Perhaps eat something
Stretch my legs
Anyway, I was further irritated by "The Kardashians". Yes, I am forever ashamed that I know who they are, but one of them, I think Kourtney?? Is pregnancy by her asshat of a boyfriend and he actually made a statement about how glad he is that the baby will know Kourtney while she is "young and hot" and not an "OLD HAG"!! A HAG???? Because I know when Nathan is screaming in the middle of the night the most important thing to him is HOW I LOOK. If I don't have my make up perfectly applied and my hair done he wants nothing to do with me. GAH!
Whooo! Nathan loves his mommy. Peeing is for the weak!
And the Kardashian's are idiots. I only know of them from that crap you flip to when you're not watching all the shows you've TiVO'd.
Peeing is so highly overrated. :p
My darling Katharine: if YOU had a full-time trainer, nanny, cook, nurse, chauffeur, and housekeeper, YOU TOO would lose the weight in a heartbeat. Alas, real life interferes. Oh and let us NOT forget that eating disorders ran rampant in Hollyweird. So they may have lost the weight quickly, but they could be starving themselves or on all kinds of -- ahem -- "substances" to help them along. PLUS: remember that when it comes to celebs, Photoshop rules. In other words: don't believe everything you see!
Now celebrate your weight loss and go back to regularly-scheduled programming.
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