Bella is SOOOO upset she slips into a coma-like state. Here's where you lose me. In my life I have certainly had my share of heart ache. And I remember when my very first boyfriend MOVED IN WITH SOMEONE ELSE AND NEGLECTED TO INFORM ME OF THIS (Hi Darren wherever you are!!) and that sucked. I mean, that sucked A LOT. I was 16 at the time (Bella's age) and I was crazy about that guy. So I can kind of relate to how Bella feels (kind of, Darren, to the best of my knowledge, did not sparkle in daylight or suck blood, but I digress...). But here's the other thing. I was upset, I cried. And I did the following:
1. Cried
2. Ate lots of chocolate
3. Cried some more
4. Cried to my friends
5. Ate more chocolate
6. Went out with him after work one day where we played basketball and tried to be "friends". I instead flirted like a maniac with him and just as he conceded we might possibly go out again, left him. (Hey, revenge can be sweet).
Oh, and then I GOT OVER IT and GOT ANOTHER BOYFRIEND. And here's where Bella loses me, because she has a guy named Jacob panting after her (no pun intended since he's a WEREWOLF), and Jacob happens to look like this:

Uhhh.... the guy is SMOKING HOT. Where's the problem Bella?? Edward is gone... he dumped you after his family tried to kill you and you spend the entire book hanging out with sweet, sensitive, caring and insanely attractive Jacob (once again, see above) and all you can do is moan about Edward. Sorry girlie, this is sooo not realistic. ANY teenage girl would take a look at above and EVENTUALLY GET OVER THE GUY WHO DUMPED HER AND TAKE THIS NEW ONE FOR A SPIN!!! It's called hormones, and if I recall, teenagers are filled with them. Maybe not after a week, or a month, but it would happen.
Now I'm curious, does anyone disagree with me?? If your teenaged boy/girlfriend dumped you and an insanely good looking boy/girl started hanging out with you, confessed they loved you and all that, would you turn that down??
That book made me so angry. Bella is such an anti-heroine in it. She spends the whole book mooning (pun intended, ha!) over stupid Edward and basically acting like her life is over because he left. What kind of message does that send to teenage girls? If your stupid HS boyfriend dumps you, that's it. Forget about all of the cool stuff coming up in your life and that guys get so much better as you get older and they're not such little tools.
Mr Darcy is so distressed to read about Darren and his treatment of you - and of your revenge. Mr Darcy does not need to know such things. Mr Darcy does not want to know such things.
So, you're telling me that you got over him by going with Orlando Bloom (sorry, I mean Jacob). Or did I miss something in the middle there? Sounds like an effective plan.
And you are kidding about teenagers being filled with hormones, right? Right?
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