This was an interesting article on MSNBC:
I got to thinking, would I want to be 17 again and if I was would I change anything I had done? Well at 17 there was the following,
1. I was a senior in high school and engaged to my boyfriend at the time - and pretty damn happy about it.
2. My grades were decent because I was happy, and I was contemplating which college to go to.
3. I worked at Emerson Hospital in the kitchen and could drive and make my own money which meant I pretty much did what I wanted.
Yes I see I made mistakes at that age, and I was pretty passive about my life at the time. I didn't "really" care which college I went to, I just knew I wanted to go. The engagement wasn't my idea but for me it was the ultimate proof that my boyfriend loved me and I desperately wanted and needed that at that point in my life. And being able to drive gave me quite a bit of freedom and you could see me zipping everywhere in my mother's car. It might be interesting to go back in time and redo some of the things that I wish had been different. Give my 17 year old sef more confidence, but at the same time, all those experiences made me who I am today. I've grown and learned and I don't think I would change too much. Plus, I doubt many people REALLY want to go back to their teenage years. So much angst and drama and the unknown, it's not really a glory day for most people. Or maybe I'm just projected too much! Anyway, at 34 I can safely say I am happy with my life (though how nice would it be to win the lottery and pay off all our bills???? VERY NICE!!), and how things are going. My vote would be no, I don't want to go back to being 17 again. Though I do have many fond memories of big hair, as shown in the picture below!

I confess I had forgotten the big hair. By which I mean BIG hair.
Still, you look happy enough.
"Decent grades." Are we forgetting Algebra II? For my money, the decent grades starting coming when you took the exams for course placement your Freshman college year, and blew everyone away with how well you did.
We will draw the veil of silence over Statistics.
I also had big hair at 17. No seriously. I know you couldn't tell by looking at it now, but I had fairly long hair. It wasn't rockstar of the 80s long hair or anything, but for me it was long. Of course that's not enough to make me want to relive those years. Sure, they were good years for me, but I like being an adult and being able to make my own choices. Like hot fudge sundaes for dinner...staying up as late as I want with total disregard for what I have to do in the morning...things like that.
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