Saturday, December 20, 2008

maternity wardrobe

I'm starting to outgrow some clothes and while I realize that I am going to need to change my style to be more 'mommy friendly", I draw the line at certain things. This for example:

Once again, I can't get the picture, but it's called the "Quaker Factor Embroidered Critters Knit Top and Skirt". The day I show up wearing an animal tee shirt and matching, shapeless denim skirt - is the day I want you to say something. Please people, I'm begging you.. don't let me walk around in this. Okay?? It would be mean, really mean. And you're not mean people, are you??? No, good. I'm so glad!!!!


Dawn said...

Half the time I just wear my regular clothes and stretch them all to heck. My favorite sweaters mostly. It's hard to find really cute maternity, unless you want to pay a fortune, and since this is my 4th kid, spending $$ on stuff like that is kinda out of the question.

Mary said...

Friends don't let friends audition for "What Not to Wear." ;-) No worries, we'll slap the happy right outa you if you attempt to buy something like this!