Okay, on Roxanne's point about quality over quantity - its definitely something I am mindful of. Meaning, most of my shoes are of higher quality. Why? I LOVE shoes (hello, they always fit, and how you can you not love that??), and I think the right shoe can totally make an outfit. So most of my shoes tend to be in the $50 and up range. I do have one pair of black wedge heels that I bought on sale for $29.99 and I've worn for three years straight, but for the most part I tend to pay retail for my shoes. I know its never a waste of money with me as I keep them FOREVER and have been known to have my favorite shoes re-soled and re-heeled. I kept one pair of super pricey black slingbacks for 4 years by having them re-soled and re-heeled over five times. Until the cobbler told me it just couldn't be done anymore. God I loved those shoes.
Where was I? Yes, Suave products. Now, normally I am a Sephora girl and my hair products tend to be Paul Mitchell, but its time economize. So Target was having this massive sale and I got two HUGE bottles of Suave conditioner for like 99 cents each. What's not to like? Well the Suave Refreshing Tangerine conditioner smells absolutely NOTHING like tangerine. In fact, there's no real scent to it at all. I'm not sure WHY they term it "tangerine" when there is nothing remotely citrusy to it. It's odd. It's not a BAD conditioner per say, but it's not the best. It does the job, but I'm not used to conditioner being so watery in texture. I'm used to super thick hydrating conditioner. Anyway, I'm going to use it up regardless because, well, I'm stubborn like that.

Does anyone else have an experience using the "cheaper" or "generic" product?? Anything I should stay away from?
I'm the same way with shoes. Given how hard it is to find nice dress shoes in my size, I can't afford to be picky about price. But I still put my dress shoes in my backpack and wear my sneakers to walk around Boston :-).
Hey K, I like the VO5 plain shampoo that's about $2. It doesn't have much smell, but cleans well. Then I go in for a fancier conditioner.
Of course, my hair is like duck fuzz, so your lovely locks might be worthy of a greater extravegance.
Hope you had good turkey!
I really like the Suave Professionals. It's $2 instead of a buck, but the conditioner is especially better quality. Been using it for years. But then again, we are poor and have almost 4 kids. (o: You do what you gotta do, eh?
I can't tell if you are disappointed with the smell or the conditioner itself, but if it's just the smell that is bugging you, then the vanilla actually smells like vanilla and is fine. Can't help you with the shoes, like you, I justify the price I pay with the fact that I wear them into the ground.
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