Jeff and I went to his cousin's last night for a smorgasborg of food, wine and laughter. The laughter? Watching the absolute world's worst movie, "Undead". I would like everyone to know I did not pick this gem of a movie. Oh no, it was Jeff and David's choice, and here's a look at the website:
You can even watch the trailer and fully understand my pain. It's just awful. Awful, awful, way beyond B movie awful so that it crosses into painfully horrible awful. In a nutshell, the tagline for the movie is "Crazy has come to town for a visit". And yes, the movie DOES live up to its tagline, but oh dear God is it awful to watch. David and Jeff laughed and laughed during the movie, and I watched in disbelief as Judith slept. It was THAT good. All I have to say is that MY choice of movie would have been much better. I wanted to watch "The Nun"...
See, isn't that better??
It was such a great horror comedy! You know...the type of movie you want to watch when you want horror but you want to be able to sleep at night? I give it two thumbs up for what it original take on a zombie movie.
This movie is an instant classic! The zombies, aliens, people floating in the sky and the crazy, physics defying, Rambo farmer with the Amish beard. What is there not to love about this movie?!?
David (the cousin)
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