Saturday, October 18, 2008

Desire for a heated cat bed for my Lily

Isn't that cute? And it's HEATED!!! You can plug it in and it maintains the perfect temperature for my zombie kitty cat. As you all know, Lily has a tendency to pee on things. Her beds, Monty's bed, OUR bed... and right now this is what she is sleeping in:

That's her bed. A box with clothes in it. We did this because if she DOES pee on the clothes.. they're old clothes and we can just toss them without guilt. BUT... it is getting cold. And her back room is insulated with NEWSPAPER and gets pretty darn chilly at times. I feel bad for her, she IS my baby... so I was thinking of getting her a heated bed. I just can't bring myslef to PAY for a heated bed since odds of her peeing on it are good. Sigh... what should I do?????

1 comment:

Mary said...

Ahem....didn't you post earlier that you were trying to economize? Oh yes, that was the post included the recipe for the SQUIRREL STEW.

She's a cat with a heavy fur coat. She is probably not nearly as cold as you may think she is. She will no doubt pee on this expensive heated cat bed. In fact, I would lay odds on it.