Yes, my poor cat has been cut like a dog. Her body has been shaved, but her legs, tail, and head are still hairy. Effectively, she's NAKED! My poor cat is naked.
Let me explain why I had this done to her, intentionally. Lily is an old kitty cat. And she's never been really good about taking care of herself in the grooming department. Really its not her fault, she was too young to leave her mommy cat when I found her, so she's never really had another cat to show her how things are done. Regardless, I've always had to pay for grooming and brush her and all of that. Well as she's getting older she is less and less tolerant of having me pick out the mats in her fur. She got so many tangles and mats that I thought it would be just easier to have her shaved down, you know so the MSPCA wouldn't come after me for animal neglect and all. Well, it is easier, and she seems to be just fine with the haircut, but it is HYSTERICAL to look at her. We can barely pet her now without elapsing into giggles because she just looks so funny. She's NAKED! And she has no idea that there's something different about her, and no idea why we laugh so hard everytime we see her. Though the good thing is everyone who ever told me she was fat and big (or a BADGER as my Uncle once claimed) are now eating their words because without her fluffy fur she is a TINY, petite little kitty cat.
So take a good look and be jealous that you don't have a naked Princess Lily cat of your own!
Love her!
Lily and I have a love/hate relationship...mostly because she shit in my bag when we first met. It's true. I actually like her more now that she's totally shaved down. Go Lily!
Yes, I would not have believed that there was so little cat under so much fur. Talk about truth in advertising!
Alas, it hasn't done much for her personality, which is pretty much "all cats are wonderful, so I am wonderful, so maybe I'll let you do things for me but don't expect any thanks for it."
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