Saturday, June 28, 2008
Next Tattoo Design Idea
Friday, June 27, 2008
Karaoke Night
Jeff up at karaoke, singing his favorite warm-up "Stray Cat Strut"
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sister and Father
I'm right, aren't I? Kirsten Dunst and my sister are twins.
And now here's a picture of my poor father, me, and Kirsten, oops, I mean Karen! Don't we look nice? And doesn't my father look tired? Like he's been beaten down and driven crazy by two daughters? I think my sister and I are personally responsible for all his gray hair, even though I constantly tell him that Karen and I were actually really GOOD teenagers. Neither of us dropped out, or got pregnant, or shot up cocaine., joined a gang, I mean we were GOOD! In fact, Karen was like an A++++ student, played the violin/viola in orchestras, was able to come up with some amazing art products, AND was still like a size 2. As for myself, ahem... well, I had a boyfriend!! And I managed to graduate High School while using only the SMALLEST portion of my brain and/or energy. Oh, and I got into and graduated college. That's really about it for me, and now that I think about it, maybe I'm responsible for more than half his gray hairs!
Naked Cat

Yes, my poor cat has been cut like a dog. Her body has been shaved, but her legs, tail, and head are still hairy. Effectively, she's NAKED! My poor cat is naked.
Let me explain why I had this done to her, intentionally. Lily is an old kitty cat. And she's never been really good about taking care of herself in the grooming department. Really its not her fault, she was too young to leave her mommy cat when I found her, so she's never really had another cat to show her how things are done. Regardless, I've always had to pay for grooming and brush her and all of that. Well as she's getting older she is less and less tolerant of having me pick out the mats in her fur. She got so many tangles and mats that I thought it would be just easier to have her shaved down, you know so the MSPCA wouldn't come after me for animal neglect and all. Well, it is easier, and she seems to be just fine with the haircut, but it is HYSTERICAL to look at her. We can barely pet her now without elapsing into giggles because she just looks so funny. She's NAKED! And she has no idea that there's something different about her, and no idea why we laugh so hard everytime we see her. Though the good thing is everyone who ever told me she was fat and big (or a BADGER as my Uncle once claimed) are now eating their words because without her fluffy fur she is a TINY, petite little kitty cat.
So take a good look and be jealous that you don't have a naked Princess Lily cat of your own!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
High School Look

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Goody Bag
Inside my little goody bag were the following items: lip balm, hand lotion, a toothbrush, bar of soap, comb, tissues, antibacterial gel, and socks with little grips on the bottom.
I especially appreciated the lip balm as the air in the hospital was realy dry and I felt like my lips were just insanely chapped. I haven't really used any of the other items, but I brought the whole thing home with me just the same. It was like they were trying to trick me into thinking I was staying in a 5 star hotel instead of a hospital. No such luck as I was acutely aware of just where I was and why, never mind that the woman next to me was insanely obnoxious. She was so demanding and I swear she rang that bell for a nurse every hour on the hour. Her two teenage daughters even visited her and proceeded to start a burbing contest. Classy. These girls spent the 2 hours they were there to see their mother by burping, constantly. Every other minute one of them would burb, and then giggle hysterically that they couldn't help it.
Anyway, after 12 days of almost constant pain I am finally feeling better. Fingers crossed that I'm at the end of whatever this was because I am so bored I am actually looking forward to going back to work!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
New Best Friends!
They would be:
and Naprosyn
These fabulous friends have been instrumental in helping me through the worst pain of my life. In case anyone didn't know, I was in and out of the hospital this past week with the world's worst headache/neck pain. They still aren't really sure what caused this lovely experience, but they are guessing it was a muscle spasm of sorts. How ironic is that? I work as a Massage Therapist and I had a muscle spasm.
I do however want to thank Jeff for being the best husband in the world. During the course of my week he did the following:
*Took me to the ER not once, but twice
*Spoke to the nurses and doctors about my pain, and basically acted as my advocate since I was either crying, or knocked out from the Demerol shots
*Cleaned up the bathroom after I, how shall I say this delcately, lost my breakfast
*Kept up a steady stream of ice packs to wrap around my poor head
*Stayed with me in the hospital almost the entire time, leaving only to take Monty out and to sleep. Lets keep in mind I was not exactly stimulating conversation at this point, I was mostly sleeping the sleep of the drug induced.
*Got me ice cream, more than once
*Cleaned our house AND scooped the kitty litter, a chore he detests more than anything else in the world
Basically Jeff was fabulous and I am so thoroughly spoiled I doubt I'll ever recover.
Oh, and if you want attention when waiting in the Emergecny Room, just lie down on the floor while crying. It seems to get you QUITE a bit of attention, and other patients will actually allow you to go ahead of them. :-) Just a little tip from me to you!