Yet another one of the "8 Films to Die For", Borderland is described like this:
Inspired by true events of a kidnapping by a cult which practices human sacrifice, Borderland spirals into the black terrifying world of predators hunting the dimly lit streets and dark alleys of Manzinita, Mexico in search of their next prey. The Mexican locals recently tortured and killed were strong and silent and did not cry out in pain. Instead, they need loud, terrified cries of an American to make the ritual stronger; one who will howl in agony as he looks into the face of death. They set their sites on the three American amigos, and the vacation across the border quickly becomes the trip from hell.
Yet again, so much promise, so little plot to enjoy. BUT, the whole "inspired true events" thing is highly suspect. I mean, what was inspired? That some kids went to Mexico? That while there one of the kids fell in love with a Mexican prostitute who kept her baby in the room with her? I suppose that could have happened, but I doubt it. OR that while on vacation the three kids piss off a bad ass cult leader and killed in gruesome horrible ways?
Now I went to Mexico when I was a senior in High School, and can I just say I'm still amazed that my parents let me go. I went with my good friend Nancy and we spent the week shopping, walking on the beach, and our nights going out to clubs such as "Senior Frogs". Not once while we were there did we meet up with a prostitute, a cult leader, or start fights with any of the locals. Granted, we were in Cancun, Mexico which is a huge tourist trap, but Nancy and I were such good girls that we didn't even drink while we were there. In fact, the scariest thing that happened was when I tried to leave a club one night and one of the "policemen" tried to get in the cab with me. I flipped out completely and actually braced myself against the opposite end of the cab and kicked him out of my cab. Literally. I mean, foot to stomach, foot to chest, I don't even remember how many times I kicked him but I eventually managed to get him out of my cab where I promptly slammed the door shut and went back to my hotel. What can I say? I was incredbly naieve and it didn't really occur to me at the time that I could get into trouble for using physical force to hit a member of the police in a strange country, all I knew was that there were no way in hell that man was coming back to my hotel with me. If I remember correctly Nancy and I went home the night after that and I completely forgot about the incident.
Where was I? Ah yes, Borderland the movie. This movie was bad. Really bad. I mean incredibly bad with no real plot, no logic, and characters that were so stupid that they pretty much did everything but ask to get killed. Thumbs down all around! And now that I'm thinking about it again, thumbs down to that policeman in Mexcio for trying to take advantage of a 17 year old girl!
1 comment:
And why did your father let you go to Cancun? Can you sing a chorus of I'm just a dad who caint say no? I suppose the thinking was, "How bad could it really be?"
I'm not bothering with one or two white hairs this time around. I'm going for the whole "snow on the roof" effect. 17 years later, and you choose to spring this sweet little surprise.
Well, at least you lived through it, and you didn't come home spending two hours to put on your face.
And while we're on the subject, when did the bubble baths start? Surely not in college.
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