Thursday, February 25, 2010
I'm trying now to not only be more open to new friendships, but to also cultivate and nurture the ones I already have. It's hard with a baby here, but Nathan is not an excuse. So while I dislike the whole "friend" thing on Facebook, I can appreciate that it has opened me up to more people, people who are now becoming "real" friends, and keeping me in touch with the friends I already have. And a big, big, big THANK YOU to all my lovely and wonderful friends who have put up with me over the years - I really appreciate you all!
Continued efforts to pay down my debts
1. Go through my ever-increasing stack of coupons and buy a few things from Target.
2. Fill my gas tank.
3. Put $10 in my Savings account
4. Perhaps buy my husband a birthday present since his birthday is on March 2nd and so far I have a big fat NOTHING for him. It won't be a large present, but I do need to, oh, acknowledge it in some way!!! Would it be bad if I skipped the birthday card?? I LOVE cards, but at the same time, I can't help but know that a card is about $4.00 and it's something that does eventually get thrown away. Perhaps I should take that $4.00 and put it towards a gift that Jeff might actually ENJOY? I DO know that I will not repeat last year's mistake and get him scratch tickets. That was SUCH a complete waste, I would have been better of lighting a $20 bill on fire and watching it burn for all the good it did.
And what am I continuing to do? Well that's the continuing evaluation of my purchases - needs vs. wants, and cutting back on the take out. I didn't eat out once this week, and I brought my lunch every day. Well, I had take out today - but my office treated us to lunch since we had to sit through a conference call for training. And Jeff gave in to the horrible rainy weather and brought us take out for dinner. But that wasn't ME!!! See.. see how I got away with not spending money on anything but gas but still got to eat out?? GO ME!!!
Now if I could just get to the working out/losing weight part of my resolution and all will be well!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Fraidy Cat Dog

That is Monty sleeping NEXT to his bed. On the hard FLOOR. You can't really see the new bed, it's brown and plush and Monty was AFRAID of it. I put treats on it, I SAT on it and had him come to me. Finally I dragged his old bed out and put it ON TOP OF the new bed in the hopes that he would, you know, GET IT that this was an okay place to sleep. No go. He lay NEXT TO THE BED and was completely in the way because our living room is the size of a closet. And not a walk in closet at that!!
Pissed does not begin to describe how I felt about this. Jeff spent an HOUR taking the stuffing out of the bed so it wouldn't be quite as poofy and soft, and now Monty sleeps on it. It's still softer than what he had before, so when he lies down you don't hear that awful THUD of bony butt meeting hard wooden floor... but come ON! What elderly dog do YOU know will refuse to sleep on a new bed?? I swear this dog is afraid of EVERYTHING!!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Love of Books
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Facebook Friends
What do you all think? Facebook = Popularity Contest, or is Facebook a great way to reconnect with people?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Nights
7pm - Nathan in bed all cozy in his baby in a bag and a pacifier in his mouth.
8:3pm - pacifier falls out of mouth
8:45pm - Nathan wakes up and screams his little head off - he went to SLEEP with his pacifier and now it's gone. Disaster has struck. WHERE is his pacifier?
Screaming continues until we run upstairs and return the pacifier to his mouth. Exhausted, Nathan falls asleep again until about an hour goes by. The whole scenario repeats over and over and over again until morning. Or until around 4am where we give up, admit defeat and bring him into bed with us because a. we can reach out and return his pacifier to him without giving up, and b. we're exhausted and no longer care about all the bad habits that come from letting your baby sleep next to you.
We're back to being as tired as we were when Nathan was a newborn and we have no idea how to stop the pacifier game. Now at 7 months old, I am pretty sure that he's too young to "cry it out" and I don't even know if I can do that. Hearing Nathan cry is like having my heart ripped out of my chest. Now Nathan can pick UP the pacifier, he just has difficulty getting it back into his mouth. So leaving him with pacifiers scattered all over the crib won't work. I'm thinking we need to break the pacifier habit completely, but HOW???
Gentle readers I need your advice!! Leave a comment and let me know what you think we should do!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bye Bye to American Express
So woo hoo for me on following through on one of my New Year's Resolutions!!