Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Love of Fall
But Fall I love. I love the chill in the air, I love hot chocolate (the real kind by Godiva made with milk and shaved chocolate), I love candy apples and the smell in the air. I love sweaters and boots and pretty leather jackets, and I love Halloween and Thanksgiving and generally just about everything. Some of my FAVORITE things about fall are as follows:
1. Flannel sheets on the bed along with our super warm down blanket
2. The mentioned hot chocolate made with shaved chocolate and milk
3. Sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters. I have so many sweaters its ridiculous, and its yet another reason I need to lose weight because I have TONS and I'm not about to start replacing them.
4. Naps. Naps on the sofa curled up under a lovely blanket... and while I do NOT have the chance to actually TAKE naps anymore, I fondly remember lovely naps. I remember lounging on the sofa under a soft blanket with my pillow, stretching out and napping a Saturday afternoon away for hours at a time. God I LOVE naps.. love them, and miss them.
So what does everyone think of Fall? Like? Hate???
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Disenchantment with Charities
- The Ocean Conservancy (
- Fund for Animals (
- sometimes to Performing Animal Welfare Society (
- and a charity for native Americans that I refuse to name because I am disgusted by them
I am angry because I recently found out that the charity I had been giving to, supposedly to help native Americans on reservations, keeps almost 80% of the donations and distributes it in salaries. Less than 20% goes to the actual people in need and this pisses me off big time. Now here's where I am WAY too trusting. I've been giving to this organization for YEARS. YEARS! I give every Thanksgiving and Christmas, and from time to time give for different fundraisers. Recently I had donated $50 to give packages of baby things to moms on the reservations. Supposedly the mom would get diapers, blankets, a baby tub and some toys. Now I realize that it's primarily a scam and I am soooooo ticked off. I wasted that money and the people I had wanted to help got very little. I don't know why stuff like this surprises me, I guess I'm just too trusting, but I did a little more research and found a place where they actually HELP the people on reservations.
This place lists several donation events you can participate in and two of the ones I'm thinking of helping with are the following:
According to the different places I've researched this group actually gives ALL the purchased donations to the schools/churches and community, and they rarely ask for cash donations. I like the idea of picking out items from a list and sending them, and I'm thinking I'll pick up some diapers the next time I'm out and about and send them off. Diapers are PRICEY... very pricey.
Anyway, this holiday season I'm thinking I'm going to concentrate more on things like this rather than getting more STUFF for me. Because let's face it.. I don't really NEED more stuff. Well, Nathan always needs more stuff.. but I don't! ;-) Of course if Jeff is reading this I can always use a gift card to say... Macy's!!! Or perhaps for a pedicure!!! Hey.. I'm only human after all! ;-)
Does anyone else have any favorite charities they give to?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wish me luck, I don't do well with "Challenges" (in case you didn't notice from the failed "no take out" attempts I've made), so I need lots of good wishes sent my way!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Inability to Accessorize
I mean, on a normal day my jewelry is my wedding bands, maybe my Nathan bracelet or necklace, and a pair of earrings. IF I'M LUCKY!! Sometimes it's just my wedding bands and everything else goes bye bye...
So does anyone have any hints for the accessory challenged such as myself? I saw so many beautiful necklaces I would have loved to purchase but I just know they would sit in my jewelry box untouched and unloved....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Food intake to Date
Let's see if I can keep this up for the rest of the week!
Monday, October 12, 2009
So what do you all think? If you COULD know the future, would you take that opportunity to see it?
Oh, and a quick update. Day two after making my "no eating out post" and I'm hanging in there! It means I had cereal last night for dinner, and Stouffer's chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight. Tomorrow night, I don't know what we're having, but hopefully it won't be take out!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Rough Mommy/Wife Night
I also felt so bad that I'm not entertaining him enough - that I don't keep him as occupied as they do at daycare, so I tried really hard to do things like singing and playing with toys and I even tossed in some "tummy time". One thing we did he REALLY liked was he pretended to stand. I held him under his arms and let his feet rest on me as he pretended to "stand". He LOVED that and just laughed and laughed. That was definitely fun, but oofah he was soooo cranky for most of the time. Jeff would come home from an exhausting day at work and I'd be passed out on the sofa with Nathan on the bouncy seat in front of me.
I wish I had something funny to add but oh my it was a hard weekend. Jeff wanted to go grocery shopping today and I just couldn't. I was too tired. Instead we came home and took turns with Nathan until he finally passed out around 8pm. And may I add that Jeff wasn't far behind.. he's sleeping next to me on the sofa right now as I type this! Here's hoping that this up-coming week is better!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pretend Shopping at Macy's.Com
This whole getting out of debt thing is HARD!
So I'm going back to one of my ideas, which is no take out. I've decided that I will not get take out from today until Friday. That's 7 days. I can do this. 7 days with no take out.... Even if it means I'm eating cereal for dinner every night, there will be no take out. I've failed at this task previously, so I'm really hoping I can follow through now. And who knows, maybe by Christmas time I'll have a spare $500 to go shopping!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Irritation Level

Okay, who am I kidding... this is his favorite way to sleep ALL THE TIME! He loves this. And while it's lovely to have a snugly baby all curled up on you there are times I would like to do the following:
Perhaps eat something
Stretch my legs
Anyway, I was further irritated by "The Kardashians". Yes, I am forever ashamed that I know who they are, but one of them, I think Kourtney?? Is pregnancy by her asshat of a boyfriend and he actually made a statement about how glad he is that the baby will know Kourtney while she is "young and hot" and not an "OLD HAG"!! A HAG???? Because I know when Nathan is screaming in the middle of the night the most important thing to him is HOW I LOOK. If I don't have my make up perfectly applied and my hair done he wants nothing to do with me. GAH!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Worst Movie Experiences
Here's the movies I've seen that have made the list:
The Fog #66 (made me want to hang myself, awful, awful, awful...)
BloodRayne #48 (so bad it was laughable and has the most awkward, cringe-worthy sex scene I have ever had the displeasure of viewing. You seriously want to scrub your brain with bleach after)
House of the Dead #42 (actually not that horrible if you realize it's a Grade B zombie movie with no real plot!)
Code Name: The Cleaner #37 (I think Jeff rented this and I half watched it while playing my Sims on my laptop - I don't remember much about it but it did have SOME funny moments)
The Covenant #31 (I saw this in the THEATRE and I believe it was my choice so I have no defense here but the movie was somewhat entertaining even if the teens did look like they were in their 30's!!!)
Battlefield Earth #27 (I saw this at someones house during a "bad movie night party")
Now that I've fessed up, who else feels like letting the world in on all the horrible, horrible movies that they've seen? I would like to add "Van Helsing" to the list btw.. that was such horrid, horrid crap... and with a HUGE special effects budget to boot!
Friday, October 2, 2009
But then this morning I was reminded that though those days are gone bye bye, we have different days ahead. See, 4am Nathan was fed and changed but was coughing too much in his co-sleeper to sleep comfortably. So we did what we have only done once before. We brought him into bed with us where I propped him up next to me so my arm cradled him. Snug as bugs in a rug. And wouldn't you know he settled right down. No coughing, no fussing, just looked around at us and feel deep asleep. Although I should add that babies move a LOT when they sleep and I got whacked in the face and throat more than once over the next few hours, but still I can't complain!