Friday, July 31, 2009
Fantasy Shopping at Macy's
Sigh. Being a grown-up stinks!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
So why am I cheating on my sweet husband by spending my days curled up with this person?

I just hope Jeff understands!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Love for the person who invented the swing

Katharine aka One truly grateful mom
Friday, July 24, 2009
Possible Donation
Movie History
Yes, "Transylvania 6500". I don't have anything to write about it, I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever HEARD of this movie or if perhaps my fevered imagination just conjured it out of thin air...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Anyone feel like fessing up to their own guilty pleasures? If so, feel free to add a comment!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Credit Cards
Well, he LIED PEOPLE! I know, you're all shocked that a salesperson lied to make a sale. I know we are shocked. More than shocked - we're bewildered, confused, hurt.... the list goes on and on. So there's this big old INDENT in our mattress and the only thing that helps is to turn it every now and then. But a couple of nights later.. the indent is back. So basically our mattress sucks and I am fantasizing about a new mattress. And just what new mattress do I want??
Take a look:
Yes, I want a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed. I know it's marketed for senior citizens... but I want one. It looks so COMFY! And I love the whole idea of moving the bed to how I want it. So now my question is... can we justify getting a new mattress now that our credit card is paid off?? What do you all think??
Newest Purchase

So far I like it, the coverage is nice and sheer for the summer, and it blends pretty well. At a price tage of $24.00 it's a cheaper alternative to my usual Philosophy brand foundation so it fits my budget. Oh, and I also got my hair cut yesterday so I'll be sure to post pictures later!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
New Life
- Read a Book
- Watch a movie or tv show
- Take a shower
- Get dressed for the day
- Do laundry
- Clean the house
- Run an errand (bonus points for this as you obviously need to take the baby WITH you, and he may be like Nathan and NOT happy about being buckled into his car seat)
- Spend time with your husband (HA HA!!! This so NEVER makes the list. By the time Jeff and I go to bed I drape one arm over him before passing out in a deep, deep sleep that has me drooling into his shoulder - that's our romantic time).
It's near impossible to do ANYTHING on this list in the time that Nathan sleeps. See, one eye is always ON your baby. Is he sleeping? Is he fussy? Is he making a weird noise that you suddenly need to worry about? And Nathan also prefers during the day (really, anytime) to sleep ON one of us. He's happiest if he's on our laps all cuddled up. And while it's ADORABLE that he does this.. it also severely limits what you can do. You're limited to attempting to watch a show (and it took me almost 2 hours last night to watch one episode of "Warehouse 13" as I had to keep stopping it and rewinding. Thank God for TIVO is all I have to say.) Or you can maybe a read a book. That's a better option, and I made my way through a new book last week in the time that Nathan spent on my lap. But still.. you have to prepared to stop whatever you are doing at any second because at some point your baby is going to SCREAM his little head off and demand IMMEDIATE ATTENTION.
So yes, the lack of sleep does suck. But it's the fact that your whole life is now revolving around this tiny person that is probably the hardest thing to adjust to.
Any questions??? ;-)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Object of Lust
Can you see the link? They are Cole Haan Carma Air Mary Jane Wedges, and I want them in Gunmetal Croc, size 9. They have "concealed Nike Air technology" for extra cushioning, and I seriously love them. Look how comfy they appear!!! And the gunmetal color is GORGEOUS! God I want them. But let's take another look. The price is $300. That's right, $300. I just can't. Cannot justify those shoes. Not when we have diapers and daycare and wipes and oh.. CREDIT CARD bills to pay off. It's shoes like this that helped me GET my lovely credit card debt in the first place and are why I do not carry credit cards anymore. I have no impulse control so if I can't afford to pay cash, I don't get it. And so sadly, these shoes will not be on my feet anytime soon.
Maybe Payless has something comparable???
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I can't exercise right now though, and even if I wanted to, I'm soooooo very tired. There's no way in hell I'm exercising when I could be sleeping. Ahhh.. sweet sleep... sleep..... that elusive creature that continues to taunt me so.
Where was I? Oh yes, clothes. Now I NEED to lose weight because when I go back to work I need clothes that FIT, and clothes that look somewhat decent. And I can't AFFORD new clothes... so I've got to somehow squeeze myself into the clothes I do have. Suggestions? I also would like to add that having a baby changes your SHAPE. I have a belly now.. something I never had before. My weight and I had a very comfortable arrangement previously where any extra poundage would settle around my butt and thighs. I knew this is where the weight would go, my weight knew that this is where it would go. Not so now. I have a belly. A BELLY. How the hell do I dress to hide my new belly???? I don't have clothes that work with a belly hiding issue... I have clothes that work with a minimizing the butt issue. GAH! What am I going to do??
I think I should start a collection, a charity of sorts. The "Katharine Needs to Fit into her Clothes Again and Learn How to Hide her Belly" charity. What do you think??
Book Reading to Nathan

See, how cute is Nathan?? And here's another picture of Jeff and Nathan that I took because it was just too adorable for words, take a look:
And to everyone who volunteered baby sitting services - I'm totally holding you to it!!! And you wrote it on my BLOG so it's in WRITING! I may be getting a date night out after all!! SCORE!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Love for Harry Potter
Jeff says that he'll stay home and take care of our son, but I don't want that. I want to go WITH my husband. I ENJOY seeing movies with Jeff, so really we're in a tight spot. I guess I'm going to have wait for DVD. Ah well... think of the money we'll save by waiting!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
He was staring up at me with his eyes wide open, and I swear it's like he's plotting against me already. I think though I've figured out his plan. After a night and day of my sweet baby boy where he morphed into "Mr. Cranky Fussy Pants" - I am almost positive that this is what he wants to do to us. Turn us into the following:
That's right, he wants to turn us into zombies.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Days and Nights
Why yes, that is "Megashark vs Giant Octopus" and it is STARRING Deborah Gibson. You know, Deborah Gibson formerly known as Debbie Gibson, the writer of such fabulous songs as the following:
You know when Deborah Gibson is the starring actor in a movie that you've got a quality movie on your hands. And when that quality movies includes a shark so big that it CATCHES A JET PLANE AS IT FLIES THROUGH THE AIR AT WARP SPEED - well what's not to like?? I confess it took us three full days to actually WATCH this movie because we kept falling asleep. I don't think that's entirely the movies' fault though... it could happen to be the fault of this small person who has taken over our LIVES and makes enough noise at night that we are constantly waking up to check on him! But if you're looking for a B movie that embraces it's "B movieness".. than this is the movie for you! Enjoy!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Obnoxious Neighbor
While I understand that you are a bachelor and that as such you like to have large groups of people over to your house for all night parties, as evidenced by the disco ball you have hanging in your living room. And while I also understand that the Fourth of July is a momentous and wonderful day that includes apple pie, hot dogs, beer and lots of celebrating - it does not require you to set off fireworks ALL DAY LONG, and then follow that up with setting off fireworks ALL NIGHT LONG.
At first, the noise was okay. Jeff and I accepted that not everyone on the block has a new baby and a chicken shit dog, and thus we excused your actions with much eye rolling and jokes. But as the day went on with no sign of ending, our patience neared an end. Our poor dog was so stressed that he was panting and drooling like some sort of hound from hell, and we wound up crating him for most of the night. Never mind that my poor husband was ready to call in the Riot Police to shut you down, and only my pleading prevented him from walking over and telling you to quiet down. I also didn't appreciate that as sleep-deprived new parents this noise kept us from taking a much deserved afternoon nap, and falling asleep later that night.
In the future, we would appreciate you perhaps recognizing the fact that yours is not the only house on the block and try and keep your celebratory and illegal fireworks to a minimum. Oh, and to also see that we live right near the WOODS, and that what you are doing could cause a massive fire thus also adding to my husband's stress level as we monitored your actions.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Any further questions can be redirected to my husband.
Your exhausted neighbors
Friday, July 3, 2009
Adorable baby

Yes people, we took Nathan to Target and words cannot describe how anxious we were the entire time. I had my hand on the car seat the WHOLE TIME, and we planned the outing around his feeding schedule. I had a diaper bag stocked with enough crap to supply a third world nation, and I am sure I blocked aisles as everytime he made ANY noise I stopped dead in my tracks to lean over and coo at him. Still, I managed to spend about $80 on diapers, soap, some Newborn outfits, dog biscuits, and other assorted items that my tired brain can no longer process!
And look at how tiny he is in his car seat. There are no words for how cute this is! And no words for how slowly Jeff drives now that he has a baby in the car. Oh, and I sit in the back seat next to Nathan all the better to indulge my paranoia that he might stop breathing, or need me, or make any sort of noise.....
Last, Jeff and Nathan. I have to say, Jeff has been WONDERFUL as a father. He is devoted and attentive and as equally inclined to obsess over our tiny baby. AND Jeff actually got up and killed a GIGANTIC spider this morning, and he'd only had a few hours of sleep. I'm telling you, he's a keeper!