Monday, October 27, 2008
Seven Things About Me
1. I love video games. I especially love games where I can control the characters and completely and utterly dictate the way their lives turn out. SIMS, Viva Pinata, World of Warcraft - I love them all. I think it's a control thing because I really do like to control every aspect of their world and tailor it to how I want it to be.
2. I'm a metalhead. Some of my favorite bands are Megadeth, Slipknot, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Red, Tool, Breaking Benjamin, Five Finger Bleeding, and Hurt. Ask Jeff, he DESPISES the music I listen to but I find it strangely soothing.
3. I've suffered from insomnia for 10+ years and can go months without a problem to suddenly being unable to sleep a wink. When I can't sleep I turn into a raving maniac and ANY noise/light irritates me. Monty is forced to sleep in his crate downstairs, and Jeff has to let me fall asleep first otherwise I spent the night telling him to turn over because he's snoring.
4. Completely fascinated by TLC shows that depict families with lots of kids. "Jon and Kate Plus 8" and "17 Children and Counting" being two that I watch very regularly.
5. I used to play the flute and was even a member of Junior MYWE (That's Massachusetts Youth Wind Ensemble). Meaning, I was pretty darn good at it for awhile.
6. I can go weeks without cleaning the house and suddenly, out of nowhere, I will become EXTREMELY upset about our messy house and go on a cleaning binge. It's 2am on a Friday? Doesn't matter to me, I will still be mopping the floor in a cleaning frenzy.
7. I hate to talk on the phone. I'd much prefer email or Facebook or the blog. Something about the phone I'm just not into. Maybe because during my typical workday I am on the phone almost the entire day, the idea of coming home and getting on the phone again is NOT appealing.
So, anyone feel like sharing 7 things about themselves???
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Newest Crock Pot Recipe
It actually came out really well, and Jeff is really excited that he has a wife who can cook! But let's face facts people, I can stick food items in a crock pot and then walk away. That's my kind of cooking! Fix it and forget it was completely designed for people like me. Mainly because my problem with cooking is I forget that something is on the boil and walk away. Anything distracts me when I'm cooking. A television show, Facebook, Monty, something shiny.... really anything will have me walking away from boiling food until Jeff finally figures out why the smoke alarm is going off. So the crock pot is the best thing for me since you REALLY get to walk away!
On to the recipe:
Cranberry Chicken
4 to 6 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
1 can whole cranberry sauce
2/3 cup chili sauce
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 package dry onion soup mix
Place chicken in Crock-Pot. Combine remaining ingredients and add to Crock-Pot, coating chicken well. Cover and cook on low 6 to 8 hours or high 4 hours. Serves 4 to 6.
We made it with 6 Chicken Breasts and have plenty of leftovers. We made baked potatoes with it and it was YUMMY!!! Enjoy!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
great idea for a Christmas Gift for Jeff
That's right people, it's VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PROPERLY KISS A GIRL!!! Marketing genius I think!!! I'm totally getting this for Jeff only so I can laugh my ass off when he opens it!
Oh, and one of the guy shares is the following:
Fun places to take women that are FREE - no paying for expensive dates...
Because a first date is TOTALLY the time to penny pinch! Women are VERY impressed when a guy takes you out for the first time and its to the local Starbucks for amateur poetry night!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
dislike of talking baby commercials
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Plans for the Christmas Season
So for my father I usually fill a basket with fudge, candies, licorice, baking items, fancy jams and other things that he would never buy for himself. Last year I included the DVD set of "The Girls Next Door" Season 2, just for fun! Once again, something he would NEVER purchase for himself.
My mother is HARD to shop for. Don't even get me started on the Christmas where I killed myself looking for the perfect gift and she was blown away by the stuffed toy my sister picked up for her at the LAST MINUTE! Bitter, party of one, your table is ready!
Jeff is easy to shop for. Can we say Wishlist?? He's not allowed to buy things from his wishlist from the month of November on, and I usually also get him a few items of clothing and stocking stuffer stuff like jellybeans and the such. Oh and gift cards so he pick things out later himself. He loves gift cards!
My sister is another hard one and since I have NO ideas I won't even speculate what I'm going to get her. I've given her jewelry, clothing, shoes... you name it... usually I manage to find SOMETHING cute for her, but it's always a surprise.
The animals. No. I do NOT get the animals presents. I love them to death and would not hesitate to drop large sums on money on them (see any post below!), but presents I don't do. THEY don't realize its a holiday, and they don't miss out because of it. I MIGHT sneak them some bits of turkey.. but really that's the extent of it.
So what is everyone else doing for the holidays?? Oh, and I know its early to be talking about holiday shopping but I'm planning on getting gifts little by little so I can pay CASH for them! Wish me luck!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
just because its cute
Being wrong about "Undead"
That's right people, I take it back because I am currently watching the worst piece of film making ever produced. It is.. are you ready?
"Jason Goes to Hell"
Words really cannot describe how awful this movie is. I want to try and write something funny about it, but I can't. It's so annoying, such a waste of my time... really, this is an hour of my life I have just WASTED. WASTED. Standing in line at Target would have been more interesting. Doing my laundry would have been more interesting. Hey, I would at least GET something out of laundry, like clean clothes. But this movie, God. Awful. Awful. Awful. The absolute bottom of the barrel of awfulness.
And I realize I've done a lot of movie reviews, and I'll try to get back to writing more interesting posts but I started my new job and my nerves are shot from trying to learn a new database, billing, terminology and also resetting my internal clock so that I can get up at 6am for work. NOT easy!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New Shoes!!!
I wish it would let me copy a picturew, but take a look at the link. They are soooo cute and I can't wait to go somewhere casual yet fun, wearing them with some nice jeans and a cute brown sweater. Maybe something of the cashmere variety?? God, why wasn't I born a millionaire?? It's just so unfair!! ;-)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
my favorite video spots
This one is about Disney princesses and I laughed my ass off:
Desire for a heated cat bed for my Lily
Isn't that cute? And it's HEATED!!! You can plug it in and it maintains the perfect temperature for my zombie kitty cat. As you all know, Lily has a tendency to pee on things. Her beds, Monty's bed, OUR bed... and right now this is what she is sleeping in:
That's her bed. A box with clothes in it. We did this because if she DOES pee on the clothes.. they're old clothes and we can just toss them without guilt. BUT... it is getting cold. And her back room is insulated with NEWSPAPER and gets pretty darn chilly at times. I feel bad for her, she IS my baby... so I was thinking of getting her a heated bed. I just can't bring myslef to PAY for a heated bed since odds of her peeing on it are good. Sigh... what should I do?????
Friday, October 17, 2008
Visit to the Cheesecake Factory Tonight

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Problem with horror movies
Friday the 13th Marathon

Sunday, October 12, 2008
hunt for a Halloween Costume
There's no happy medium. You can either be a slutty pirate, or a matronly pirate. What if I just want to be a pirate? A lady pirate. Not a pirate wench, a PIRATE. There's nothing out there. Now I have no problem with women dressing up this Halloween in whatever they darn well please, but it would be nice to have a few more choices out there.

I admit to being confused by sexy lion. There are a lot of adjectives that come to mind when I think of LION, and "sexy" has never entered into the top 100. Maybe it's me.
So what about a nun? A religious icon? Not for me personally, but how about SEXY NUN!
And the name of this costume??? Are you ready??? I don't think you're ready. Okay.. It's "Nasty Habit". GET IT?? She's NASTY!!!!! Bad nun, bad!!!
Still not finding anything? How about someone who is on the verge of a mental breakdown?
It actually says in the description of the "mental patient" costume that "just because she's locked up, doesn't mean she isn't hard to handle". See.. she still has cleavage in her straight jacket! No matronly straight jacket for our girl! No way!! Let's be cleavin' while the cleavin' is good! You never know just WHO you might meet in the ASYLUM!
So say you're getting tired of the sexy costumes and you think to yourself... "Self, why don't I dress up like a Disney princess? I have happy memories of those innocent, carefree movies, why don't I dress like, oh... Snow White"?
Yes, we have SEXY Snow White!
Sigh. All my happy childhood memories are being destroyed as I look at this picture. Snow White is now SLUTTY SNOW WHITE!
Can I get a happy medium PLEASE? I don't mind showing a little skin, but does ALL my skin have to be on display? I'd like to keep some of the candy in the basket, if you get my meaning. And I THINK YOU DO!!!!!!
BTW, at the very least they could do the same thing to the men's costumes. If I'm going to be walking around with everything hanging out I think guys should have to do the same. Really it's only fair.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
views on pinching pennies
Slow Cooked Squirrel
SUBMITTED BY: Bobbie Jo "This stew recipe is for those of us who are hunters and are more of the country ilk. It is easy that you can go to work while it simmers in your pot and when you return home, dinner is ready."
RECIPE RATING:Read Reviews (6)
20 Min
8 Hrs
8 Hrs 20 Min
2 squirrels - skinned, gutted, and cut into pieces
4 large potatoes, quartered
1 pound carrots, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
4 onions, sliced
2 cups water
1/4 medium head cabbage
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
In a slow cooker, place the squirrel meat, potatoes, carrots, green bell pepper, onions, water, cabbage, salt and ground black pepper.
Cover and cook on low setting for 8 hours.
Wow. That's all I can say. I mean, Squirrel stew?? First of all, is there really enough meat on those animals to make it worthwhile? And second of all, no thank you. Seriously, no thank you. I'd rather eat ramen noodles again than have squirrel stew. Call me a snob and hypocritical because I certainly do eat meat - but squirrel. No. Not happening. I won't even discuss the fact that the person who submitted the recipe is named "Bobbie Joe" and it can't get more stereotypically country than that.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Doggie Flannel Sheets?
Flannel sheets with dogs on them? Too kiddie for an adult bed, or possibly cute? I was looking at winter bedding on The Company Store online and I really, really like the "woof woof flannel sheets"

They're kind of cute aren't they? Especially with that quilt, the whole bed looks so comfy and cozy and I kind of like how different they are. BUT, doggie sheets. Too much? Too childish? Let me know what you think!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sticker Shock for Christmas this year
It's by Hasbro, called the Kota the Triceratops and MSNBC has this whole article on equally insane toys. A Wall-E toy that responds to voice commands, Lego's Mobile Command Center, and okay - this sounds cool to me. A Jakks Pacific Inc.'s Girl Gourmet Cupcake Maker that makes cupcakes in the microwave and FROSTS them. I am a little icked out by the idea of baking in the microwave, but since I lusted after an Easy Bake Oven when I was little and NEVER GOT ONE, I have a soft spot for anything similar.
Now when I was young, and does anything make you feel older than THAT phrase? The "it" toy was Cabbage Patch Dolls. My very good friend, Sage, had OODLES of Cabbage Patch kids. She had the Preemie versions, a boy and a girl, I think she even had a KOOSA which was like a weird animal Cabbage Patch Doll. If I remember correctly.. she had like 10 of these toys and I was so jealous I could hardly stand it. I did get a Cabbage Patch girl for Christmas and LOVED her. She had blue eyes and red hair just like me, and her name was awful. Emmanuelle Geneva. Horrible name. Like the people at the Cabbage Patch had some sort of random name generator and that came out. But I did love that doll, and I suspect that she didn't cost ANYWHERE near $300!
Cold House
BUT this morning.... I was right. It's COLD in here. Not only is Monty still swaddled in his fleecy jacket, but I am as well! And a down blanket here on the sofa. Now if I could only get that heat seeking missile called Princess Lily to come sit on my lap all would be right with the world!
Meanwhile.. Brrrr..... I'm going to shop online for some more down blankets!!!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
attempt at losing weight
Choices need to be made. As of right now I am hungry. Very hungry. But I've already reached my 1550 calories for the day and have no room left for even a snack. So I'm sitting here. Hungry. Daydreaming of a small chicken Parmesan sub with extra cheese. And not the chicken Parmesan sub where the chicken isn't breaded... that's crap and not a REAL chicken Parmesan sub. I want the true thing, the breaded chicken, the marinara sauce, the mozzarella cheese.. the toasted bun. I want it all. God I want it.
Damn diet. Damn it. So I'm sitting here having food porn fantasies that largely consist of mozzarella sticks and chocolate fudge cake. It's a sad day when you realize that your deepest and darkest fantasies consist of forbidden, deep friend, chocolaty food.
Update: a friend of mine just reminded me how yummy a Thanksgiving sub would be! There's one by my old work which is turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and GRAVY on the side. God I'm actually DROOLING into my keyboard now! I may cry.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday Night and the World's Worst Movie
You can even watch the trailer and fully understand my pain. It's just awful. Awful, awful, way beyond B movie awful so that it crosses into painfully horrible awful. In a nutshell, the tagline for the movie is "Crazy has come to town for a visit". And yes, the movie DOES live up to its tagline, but oh dear God is it awful to watch. David and Jeff laughed and laughed during the movie, and I watched in disbelief as Judith slept. It was THAT good. All I have to say is that MY choice of movie would have been much better. I wanted to watch "The Nun"...
See, isn't that better??
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lack of discipline as a Dog owner
- 1. Shove his nose in Jeff's face until Jeff opened his eyes
- 2. Run back and forth from the bed to the stairs and back again
- 3. Shove his whole head into the bed, tail wagging like a helicopter
- 4. Sit and stare at Jeff until Jeff couldn't stand it any longer and got up
Monty did NONE of those things. None. Nada. Instead he saw that Jeff was the only person there and went DOWNSTAIRS AND WAITED. Patiently. Let me emphasize that Monty does NOT do that for me. Instead he pokes his head in at me and does not leave me alone until I get up and take him out. So the animals know I am a sucker and are using it to their advantage. Apparently if we ever do have kids I should leave the discipline to Jeff!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Fascination with financial books
- Don't buy what you can't afford.
- If you have to use a credit card to buy something you probably can't afford it - thus you should not be buying it.
- To get rid of debt you need to pay more than the minimum, and pay as much as you can towards your debt. Concentrate on one debt, pay it off, than take that money and apply it to the next debt.
- Oh, and don't break out that credit card to charge again.
That's it. Those are the tips in a nutshell. It's been working for me, so far and I've made some great progress, and I never carry a credit card since I am a credit card companies wild dream come true. I would charge, charge, charge until I had carpal tunnel syndrome. So if you have credit card debt like I do, just follow those steps and you'll get out! You're welcome!