Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh my oh my

Please tell me I am not the only person who remembers this commercial:

I remember being young and DESPERATELY wanting blue eye shadow like this. You know, on a STICK. A stick that looked like a lipstick but for your eyes. So I could color the WHOLE EYE LID BLUE! YES! Sadly I was never given My Sweet Sixteen make-up, and you know, I don't think I had a Sweet Sixteen birthday bash either. I feel cheated people. Where's my play make-up and huge birthday bash?? My parents have some serious explaining to do!

On a side note I like that the commerical makes a point to say that the make-up is "safe" and "washable". You know, as opposed to all that other make-up that is NOT safe and remains on your face until the DAY YOU DIE! Better choose wisely little girls or you'll be rocking the blue eyeshadow and pale frosted pink lipstick until the end of days!!!!